A wordmark is a standardized graphic representation of the name of a company, institution, or product name used for purposes of identification and branding. A wordmark is usually a distinct text-only typographic treatment as can be found in the graphic identities of FedEx, Google, and Wikipedia. The organization name is incorporated as a simple graphic treatment to create a clear, visually memorable identity. The representation of the word becomes a visual symbol of the organization or product.

We have compiled 50 Creative & Stunning Wordmark Logos. Hope it can give you some inspiration for your site logo. Please feel free to share your wordmark logos with us as well.

YogoGet ElasticAre Square
Jnreel FishWearCommodusyrm
Writing WandSoft 3Flat Land
eHomeCreamMag Nolia
Infinity StyleABC PromoSnooze
one2loveBe My Design StudioDecoflora
WilliamsGaleria 291Minimum
EastValleyBrick ScapeRainFall
AquaEight C.C. CompanyFancyCake
SpryKilled ProductionsSinCity
MirrorHero LogoPlayground
CacatuBuro chudesSaxon
La FemmePrivilegeGobo
Kahlua CafeEnterPaintKetchup
Fake LogosOceanic