The Guanghzou Circle Internet Gallery concept designed by AM Project intends to design landmark building that will be immediately perceived as native Chinese Landmark Building using a closed and central structure instead of the usual western skyscrapers stereotype.
Therefore the architecture is fully defined, and iconic, very close to the chinese way of perceiving and understanding. It’s a sort of “urban logo†that works as a landmark in the same way that ideograms are used in the Chinese writing, instead of the alphabet.
The architectural concept is inspired by the strong iconic value of jade discs and numerological tradition of fengh shui. In particular, the double disc of jade ( bidisk ) is the royal symbol of ancient Chinese dynasty that reigned in this area around 2000 years ago . The building reflected in the water of the river creates exactly the same image: a double jade disc.
This figure also corresponds to the number 8 and infinity symbol that Chinese culture has a strong propitiatory value. Just remember how the date and time of the start of the Beijing Olympics was for the same reason fixed to 8:08 am of the ‘ 8-8-2008.