ΖΖ Gundam is the transformable mobile suit designed by Anaheim Electronics. While it became the first three popular character after it was made into animated cartoon by Tomino Yoshiyuki in 1979.
The model here is modified by one Chinese designer “白用感å¹å·â€, who waited almost ten years before ΖΖ Gundam model was sold in 2010. This strong, exquisite, remade model is ornamental, presenting the ΖΖ Gundam characteristics, and featuring a large array of powerful beam weaponry. Looking from very aspect of the model, it is majestic and awe-inspiring. It is detachable and can be assembled, thus the designer modified three places, making the arms more flexible, the legs’ opening angle larger, and ankles tilting forwards more. Except the whole bright color, the designer also added some green to the model, bringing some retro feeling. Readers could see the contrast figures to find out the differences.