Some people claim that real-life experience is much more important than knowledge and, therefore, it makes no sense to spend much time and energy on education. But dividing theory and practice is a great mistake. Both have equal value for forming entrepreneurial skills and achieving success in any area. Discarding learning, a person deprives oneself of countless opportunities and benefits. A business school diploma may become the first important step to career heights.

Of course, practitioners refer to such examples as Steve Jobs who had no formal education but succeeded in business. But it is worth not forgetting that such people as Jobs always seek other ways to receive valuable information and improve their qualifications. If doing nothing and always standing at the same point, there is nothing to say about creating a profitable business. Steve Jobs once noted that the greatest thing society can do is providing access to knowledge for all children, and he believed that it is even more important than happy family life.

Why do you need business education?

Let’s say you already manage a company and apply all the practical skills necessary to succeed, even though you have no diploma. What motivational factors may urge you to spend money and several years of your life on learning?

Returning to the interconnectedness of knowledge and experience, it is worth emphasizing that theories are based on real cases, summarize situations that happened with real people and help their followers to avoid potential threats.

At business schools, students learn to analyze their work and make formalized conclusions, determine which processes take place in a company and which development stage it passes, change worldview, expand horizons and start thinking outside the box, find out about business trends and ways to use them with maximum benefit, receive progressive entrepreneurial tools.

The study is not always boring

When talking about business education, many people imagine dull high school classrooms, blackboards and heavy backpacks, recall tedious homework and how they contacted some essay writing service online to have more free time and not waste energy on the knowledge that will never come in handy. Such memories create negative stereotypes about traditional education and reduce novice entrepreneurs’ learning enthusiasm.

But business school is a somewhat different thing. There are no unnecessary disciplines and abstract concepts. A curriculum is based on considering real cases and forming practical skills. Business education supplements experience and not replaces or hinders it.

Of course, you can become a top manager without an MBA degree, but it will be a long and thorny path. It is much easier to boost a career having the proud status of a specialist and knowing behavior models for different business situations. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend receiving a diploma and joining a big corporation as an intern. Practice will strengthen the knowledge gained in a business school. After participating in interesting team projects, you will be ready to launch your own enterprise.

Saving money

It is true that studying at prestigious educational institutions is rather expensive. Many people do not have free money which may be spent on the learning and decide that it is not worth it. But each experienced business person will tell you that you have to invest in receiving profits. It makes sense to work hard, forget about some pleasures for a while and pay for education. As a result, you will receive much more opportunities to occupy a worthy position in the corporate world. And in cases when you are overwhelmed with tasks, such writing service as Pro-Papers may always cover your back.

After studying common patterns and entrepreneurial theories, cooperating with the best professors, you will plan your actions much better and make the right decisions. This means that there will be less unprofitable projects and contracts in your company, fewer mistakes will lead to financial losses. Therefore, even though you have to pay tuition fees, they will pay off thanks to future success.

One more important factor is your enterprise’s staff. As a hired labor in a large holding, you will perform a limited set of functions, so there is no need for multifaceted knowledge. But once you wish to launch a personal venture, it will become clear that you cannot pay wages to a large number of employees. At the initial stage, it will be necessary to perform responsibilities naturally assigned to several people: an accountant, a lawyer, a marketer, an HR manager, a purchasing officer, etc.

That is why it is not enough to know your business model. Study business as a whole – all its subtlest nuances. Even when you will afford a large staff, knowing what your colleagues do and why it will help you to be a good company head and control their actions.


Let’s say you are a good programmer who wants to launch one’s own IT company or a talented designer dreaming about a personal design agency. You may be a great specialist and know your work well. But it is impossible to develop a business without cooperating with investors, building good relationships with contractors and clients.

As a rule, experienced practitioners who do not know how to manage and persuade other people cannot undertake a leadership role and continue working in somebody else’s enterprise. But it is not the destiny you wish for yourself, right?

Business schools provide boundless networking opportunities. You will participate in team projects and communicate with like-minded people. As most MBA students are current or future entrepreneurs, it will be useful to make friends with them. It is quite possible than some of these people will become your business partners. In addition, prestigious schools attract learners from all over the world and create a multicultural environment where all members share their unique experiences.

Relevant knowledge

The entrepreneurial world changes very quickly. Approaches that were efficient a year ago may be absolutely useless today. If not consulting experts, you may continue applying obsolete methods and not understand why your venture does not move from a standstill. Professors will help you find gaps in your business strategy and tailor it in accordance with modern realities.

Track the latest advancements and come up with fresh ideas. Only lifelong learning and constant self-improvement will allow you to always stay among market leaders.