Our mind is smart enough to play tricks on us. Thanks to optical illusions, we think we see something that in reality isn’t really there. It can be really mind-bending when you experience this. Here are some crazy optical illusions that will make you question everything.
Wheels Spinning
These circles look like they are slowly spinning, right? It’s actually just the pattern and colors playing a trick on you.
These monsters look like they are two different sizes. In reality, they are actually the same size.
Moving Dots
It looks like these dots are flashing at you. Even stranger, when you look at the center you can see a green dot form, but then disappear.
Black or White
Are the X’s black or white? They’re both! It just depends on how you look at it.
At first you see a man’s profile. A few more seconds of staring at the picture, you notice that the man is actually facing you. Trippy, right?
Ferris Wheel
If you stare hard enough, this Ferris wheel looks like it is moving very slowly. In fact, it isn’t moving at all! It’s just a picture that tricks your brain into thinking it’s moving.
How Many Faces?
How many different faces can you see in this picture? Make sure to look at the rocks, the water, and trees. You’ll be surprised at the outcome.
Different Colors
At first you’ll think you only see four colors. In fact, there are only three colors. With the orange and purple on the blue background, your mind makes them look like different colors.
Proving the Last Illusion
To prove the last picture was an illusion, here are the three colors without the stripes. Is your mind blown yet?
In your peripheral vision, you should see a bunch of gray dots in the corners. They will disappear when you try to look directly at them.
Floating Boats
Optical illusions can be as simple as a reflection. These boats aren’t actually floating, they are sailing on the water. It’s the rainy and foggy conditions that make them look like they are hovering.
Strange Angles
At first this looks pretty simple. However, the closer you look at it, the stranger the angles look.
At first glass you may see five people’s profiles. Or you may see white objects standing up. It all depends on how you perceive it.
These circles probably look a little skewed. In fact, they are perfect circles. It’s simply the colors and the fact that they are outlined by squares that make them look a little bit off.
Hering Illusion
Edward Hering discovered this illusion in 1861. The red lines look like they are curved, when in fact they are straight.
Zollner Illusion
All of these lines are actually parallel with each other. Don’t believe us? Just take away the little lines and you’ll see.
This tabletop probably looks a little slanted, right? It’s actually the lines within the squares that makes it look slanted. They are actually parallel to each other.
Table Sizes
These tables are two different sizes. False! They are the same size. It’s one of the most famous optical illusions around.
Penrose Stairs
This classic illusion looks like the stairs are never ending. First you think you’re going up, then you think you’re going down. We would hate to be stuck on this staircase.
Ponzo Illusion
Mario Ponzo created this illusion in 1911. You can probably guess what we’re going to say. The yellow lines are the same length. It’s the perspective that makes them look different.
Curved or Straight
At first glance, these lines look like they switch from curved to jagged lines. If you take a closer look, you’ll notice that the jagged lines are actually curved!
Which Way?
Which way does the cat spin, clockwise or counterclockwise? It all depends on how you look at it! If you think hard enough, you can see it change direction.
Is the bar in the middle of the picture gradient? Nope! It’s all one color.
The Dress
You probably remember the dress controversy. Was it gold and white or black and purple? It’s all about the way the light hit it and how you perceived it. The actual color is black and purple.
Are these lines all parallel? Of course they are! It’s an optical illusion that makes you think they aren’t parallel.
Moving or Static
When you look at this picture, does it look like it’s moving at all? It’s because of the colors and pattern that make it look like the picture is moving.
This photo is not actually moving. However, the shapes and colors make it look like it is.
The same goes for this picture. It is no GIF, we promise. It’s just the work of optical illusion.
You may get a little seasick from looking at this illusion for too long. These purple dots look like they are flowing in soft waves, don’t they?
When you focus on a single dot, the other dots will disappear. However, when you look directly in the center it looks like the dots flicker. Confusing and beautiful, this is one optical illusion that will make you question reality.