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What Are The Essential Things That You Can Expect From A One-Year-Old Dog?

When you are celebrating the birthday of your one-year-old pup, it is a very important milestone for them. The dog generally reach adulthood between the age of 1 and 2 years. Both physical and behavioral changes can be observed during this stage. They will acquire limitless energy but may often forget about the rules. During this age, proper training should be provided under a schedule. Let us go through some essential information during this growing stage of your pup.


Behavior of Puppy

Though your dog has reached adulthood at the age of one, it is carrying all the emotional characteristics of a puppy. The energy of a puppy remains the same and they may develop the impulse of chewing everything and fight. If you want to train them with some socialization skills, make sure that they are adjusting to the schedule of your home.

Ability of Reproduction

At the age of 6 months, the dog will reach maturity to reproduce. You should consult your vet about any special physical needs of your dog during this age.

Loss of Puppy Teeth

Dogs at 1 year old will lose all their puppy teeth. They will grow all their adult teeth permanently during this stage.

Required Training

As the pup grows, they require training for a healthy socialization activity. During the early age of 4 months, the training should begin. If the training continues throughout the younger years of the dog, socialization will not be a very difficult task. There are parks for humans and there are even dog parks and dog stores. Frequent visits to either or all of them can help grow the social skills of your dog. Even a walk with your dog around the town can help improve their social skills in them. You should allow them to stop at new people and new dogs on the road. When they spend more time improving their social skills, they will become prepared for any changes in their lives.


For improving wellness and health, vaccinations are very important for your dogs. Depending on the health of your dog, your vet can suggest all the important vaccinations. When any special requirement is needed for your dog, your vet will guide you properly.

Changes in Behavior

During this stage, you will observe several behavioral changes in your dog. You may observe more biting during this stage. It is an activity for protecting themselves within their territory. They bite as they get frightened when they are disturbed suddenly during their sleep or while they are eating.

Direct staring at the dog can also be a threat to them and they may get frightened. You should also train your child to make the right approach to the dogs so that they never get threatened by your behavior.

When the response of the chase gets triggered, the dogs can bite. Similar to the wild nature of dogs, dogs can be natural hunters. As soon as the dog observes any running person or animal, their stimulation will lead them to chase and bite just like prey animals. If you can train your dogs with the words ‘wait’ and ‘come back, the chase can be prevented right from the start.

Biting is a very serious matter and the dog needs to understand that it is not all right to bite any person. Whenever the young puppies initiate a biting and get a loud firm voice to stop the particular action, they will immediately stop. Their play should not be stopped and should be redirected to any chewable toys. Even if your adult dog has not gone over the habit of biting, you should firmly say ‘no’. You can also show that you are disappointed by not responding to them for a few minutes. This can create a time-out and they can abstain from biting. If all these methods do not work, you should immediately consult your vet for professional suggestions for avoiding any tragic accident in the future. If a serious incident has occurred, contacting a dog bite lawyer Streamwood might be necessary to handle legal aspects and ensure proper justice.

Take Care of Nutrition

Vaccinations and de-worming activities should be regularly done when your dog is at a young age. As your dog gets one year old, you should not neglect this routine. Annual prevention should be taken from ticks, fleas, and round heartworm. The external parasites need to be prevented properly so that the dog does not get sick every now and then.

Ticks are very dangerous and can transfer many serious diseases like babesiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme diseases, and others. Various effective products are available in the market that can protect dogs from ticks. The ticks are generally prevented from biting with the help of topical products. Tick removers and tweezers are available in the market that can be applied for removing the ticks. You should never try removing the ticks with your hands. The ticks are generally found on the legs, neck, and ears.

Heartworm is also a risky parasite that is spread through mosquitoes. Preventing the disease is much better than treating the infection caused by the heartworm. When you are confused about the preventive methods, you should consult your vet for getting the right guidance.

Health Insurance for Dogs

When you have sudden requirements for surgeries, medications, and health expenses, only health insurance for dogs can help you. Before arising any problems, and issues, health insurance needs to be done. Though it may add up to your monthly expenses, the insurance can save you thousands of dollars in the future during any sudden requirement.

Oral Care

Complete oral care of your dog will help prevent many oral as well as systemic diseases. Oral bacteria are connected to heart issues and therefore oral care is very essential. Human toothpaste contains fluoride and should not be used as the intake of it can be risky for dogs.


Your one-year-old dog is not a puppy anymore. It is capable of reproducing and has attained its adulthood. You should take care with proper nutrition and also train them with proper guidance. Make sure you take your dog out sometimes for developing their social skills.
