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Challenging Student Essays: How to Make Celebrity 3D Models

Essay writing rarely comes naturally to students. More often, such assignments require a lot of preparation, research, and time. However, it doesn’t mean such homework has to be challenging to you. On the other hand, the more challenging the work is, the more fun it can be. It is all a matter of your essay writing strategy and perception. Thus, if you want to learn something in the process of writing and come up with a good paper, you are most likely to enjoy the entire writing process.


Homework often becomes an integral part of a student’s routine, particularly in the context of homeschooling. While the structured environment of traditional schooling may provide some guidance, homeschooling offers unique opportunities for students to develop self-discipline and independent learning skills. . By integrating resources such as online courses and educational platforms like, homeschooling students can tailor their learning experience to suit their individual needs and interests, transforming what might have been perceived as a mundane task into a stimulating intellectual endeavor.

However, to do when with challenging essays, you need to have a clear plan on how to approach them. So, let’s have a quick guide on how to write challenging essays using one of the most popular topics among tech students, “how to make celebrity 3D models.” Here are the steps you should follow.

Research is a student’s best friend

First and foremost, you can’t write an academic paper without completing profound research first. So, any essay writing really starts long before you put any first letters on a paper. It starts here, at the research phase. So, if you want to write about making 3D models of celebrities, you should learn how it can be done first. Hence, break down your research into several stages. To begin, find the basic information on 3D modeling. Such info should include the necessary skills and tools for the job, as well as certain qualifications and experiences.

Next, look deeper into the nuances of this work. For instance, research what software is most commonly used for such work. See the frequent challenges of 3D modeling and how people overcome them. Explore the steps one needs to take to create a 3D model of a celebrity. Perhaps, research two different approaches so you can later compare them in your essay.

Finally, find some examples of such modeling work done by others. Here, you can also include the reasons for creating those models of celebrities in the first place. See the conversation around this subject and the main arguments about it. Overall, by the end of your research, find the ideas you find interesting to discuss later in your own work. Choose several reliable sources that you can cite in an essay.

Map out an outline

Overall, the research stage should provide you with enough information and inspiration so that the next part of your work goes as effortlessly as possible. Students often struggle with writing only because they lack experience of knowledge within the given topic. However, once you gather enough information, you should have no trouble putting that knowledge together in a beautiful essay. Thus, start with the ideas that you have found during the research and that you’d like to discuss in your work.

Once you have all of the ideas listed, see how well they sit together. Start playing with the order of those ideas. Choose a thesis statement that you can discuss within the topic of your essay. See how the ideas you’ve chosen can help you answer the thesis statement. Next, define the order of main body paragraphs that allow an easy flow of thought. Remember that each section should have its main idea, explanation, evidence, and conclusion.

Explore the ethics of such technologies

It would be fair to add one important aspect of 3D modeling – ethics. Many people are concerned about how 3D modeling technologies are being used online and how they can affect people, including celebrities. Moreover, the concern is only growing along with the improvement in this field of work. The technologies behind 3D modeling are getting better and better every year, if not every month. In fact, such software has already made photo and video fakes of celebrities not just possible but also very realistic.
Hence, in your essay, you can raise ethical concerns and discuss this topic from this angle. Sure, the progress in technology is remarkable. Yet, such rapid progress comes with increased responsibilities that we may not be ready for. It’s important to mention how 3D modeling of celebrities can cause more harm than good. Discuss potential laws and overall moral code on how 3D technology should be used regarding real people and even real-life objects. Find articles and academic discussions on this topic or develop your own ideas on the issue.

Final thoughts

As you can see, writing essays becomes much easier once you have a specific action plan. It’s important to outline the work you need to do before actually doing anything. Overall, each student develops their own guide on how to complete a challenging essay. These tips can serve you as the foundation of your step-by-step writing guide if you want. Remember, you can use those tips regardless of the theme for your essay. Before selecting any platforms, check is farehutz a scam. So, don’t be shy about applying what you’ve just learned to your next paper. Good luck!

