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Tips for Aspiring Interior Designers


Interior design is far more than just the furniture that is in a space, it is how individuals experience the space around them through the conjunction of comfortability, functionality, and beauty. Interior designers have the ability to completely change the makeup of the space they are assigned to and are able to create emotions through the combination of furniture, colors, and textures. Interior designers are able to assess the needs of a space and create an appealing and functional layout that allows people to feel comfortable in a space. Individuals aspiring to get into interior design should be creative, innovative, and have an eye for the conventional.



The key to becoming a good interior designer is to do your research. First, what type of spaces do you plan on designing? Do you want to design corporate workplaces, public spaces, or are you looking to work with private individuals to design their home? Regardless of who exactly you want your clientele to be, you should make sure to do your research of all types of spaces. Interior design is different in all spaces because each location has different needs and will require different types of servicing.

In addition to this, researching and staying up-to-date with trends will be extremely helpful to your career as an interior designer. You should do your best to learn about the different styles of design and choose a few to specialize in. Specializing in a specific type of design can really help set you apart from your competitors and allow your clients to receive the best service possible.

Get Educated

Knowing the difference between interior designers and decorators is extremely important if you want to succeed in the industry. Interior designers are a lot more educated than interior decorators; interior designers know the science of people’s behaviors in a space and how to accurately design the space to best fit the individuals’ needs. If you are looking to become an interior designer in contrast to an interior decorator, then you should consider getting a degree in interior design. Having a degree will not only let you increase your revenue, but it will give you a proper understanding of the science of interior design and you can become even more successful at your job.

Collect Interesting Pieces

Once you become an interior designer, you should consider investing in interesting pieces of furniture for your clientele. If you specialize in a certain style of home decoration, then do your best to get many different pieces of furniture in that style. Thrifting and redoing furniture is always a great idea especially if you can find genuine, authentic pieces from the era/style of decoration that you specialize in. This can get pricey, but it will surely set you apart from your competitors and allow you to truly thrive as an interior designer. Plus, if you plan on doing home staging to help sell houses, you will be able to reuse your pieces and style them in many different ways.

Talk to Homeowners

One of the best ways to get more educated about styling homes is to do hands-on research and talk to homeowners. Consider joining online groups that specialize in different styles of interior design and learn more about your potential clientele by what they post or talk about. If there is a specific person that you know has a style you want to recreate or specialize in, ask them if you can see pictures of their home or their inspiration pictures. Talking to homeowners will allow you to learn what is on-trend currently and how people design their own homes without the help of professionals.

Get Online

Building a platform online is incredibly important to your career as an interior designer. Build a website to source your services out of and make sure you have an up-to-date and diverse portfolio so your potential clients can view your work. Do your best to utilize social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok to help reach a wider audience and allow yourself to reach more clients. Make sure that all of the content you put online is your best work, and even edit your photos with filters in order to make your posts seem more professional.

Overall, it is extremely important to do your research and get educated if you are looking to pursue a career in graphic design. Do your best to utilize new technology like social media in order to grow your business. Finally, try to collect interesting furniture or create a catalog of fun pieces in order to help you stand out as an interior designer. Being an interior designer can be an extremely fun and rewarding career especially if you know what you are doing.

