How to exchange BNB to BTC with LetsExchange

Due to the active growth in the popularity of blockchain technology, the technical imperfections of the pioneers began to manifest themselves especially sharply. Insufficient bandwidth of the Ethereum platform gave a chance to strengthen several altcoins at once.

Binance Coin has achieved the most impressive success. Analysts believe that the current number three among the largest cryptocurrencies will continue to strengthen in the near future.

What is interesting about Binance Coin

Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, was the first to launch its own coin – Binance coin (BNB). The coin is used to pay exchange and transaction fees, as well as a means of payment when purchasing goods and services in the Binance ecosystem. Compared to Ethereum, the coin offers lower transaction fees and higher levels of scalability. Given the fame and popularity of the platform, as well as the number of in-demand products available to users of the ecosystem, Binance Coin is able to compete very seriously with Ethereum.

How the BNB exchange rate has changed

The launch of BNB in ​​2017 did not bode well. Another digital coin has hit the market for about $ 0.1. However, the coin turned out to be quite stable and withstood worthy in the winter of 2018. The first local high was set in 2019. The BNB price briefly approached $ 39, but was unable to maintain new frontiers.

Until early 2021, there was little success. And only at the beginning of 2021, the coin began to grow rapidly. In February, the coin set a new record at $ 324. After a relatively short correction, the growth continued to reach an all-time high of $ 684 per coin.

Summer turned out to be as difficult for BNB as for the entire market as a whole, and it was only at the end of August that altcoin began to grow again. Now the price of the coin is holding above $ 500 and some analysts believe that in the last few weeks of 2021 another breakout to the level of the May high, and possibly even higher, is not excluded.

How to get BNB

The entire supply of coins was pre-mined and it is technically impossible to mine BNB. Also, there are no projects similar to crypto Bitcoin faucets yet. The coin can be bought and sold, and not only on Binance. It is available on most major exchanges.

Features of the operation of crypto-exchanges of different types

Cryptocurrency exchange services are divided into two large groups:

  • Traditional exchanges;
  • Fast exchange platforms.

Traditional exchanges provide a fairly large selection of methods for depositing and withdrawing funds in digital and fiat currencies. Such platforms are very convenient for traders. However, if active cryptocurrency trading is not included in your plans, it may make sense to pay attention to the possibilities of alternative platforms.

How LetsExchange works

Access to the functionality of traditional platforms is possible only after registering an account. On many large platforms, verification is additionally carried out as part of the KYC procedure.

If you do not want to disclose your personal data on another internet resource – welcome to LetsExchange. Swap BNB to BTC is unlikely to take you more than a minute. You need to open the exchange widget and follow several steps in sequence:

  • In the upper field, select BNB for sale and indicate the amount of coins;
  • In the lower field, select BTC for purchase;
  • Indicate the address of your crypto wallet;
  • Deposit coins.
  • Press the “Exchange” button.

Further, all actions are performed automatically. The Smart Rate program analyzes and analyzes available deals and selects the most profitable one. After confirmation of the exchange request, the transaction is completed and after that the coins are credited to your wallet.

You can exchange BNB not only for Bitcoin, but also for other available coins without restrictions on the number and amount of consecutive transactions. Unlike traditional exchanges, LettsExchange does not charge additional transaction fees.


  • Todd Sumamno

    Todd is a seasoned writer and journalist with a passion for exploring the intersection of technology and design. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he has established himself as a trusted voice in the tech and design communities. Todd's writing career began in the early 2000s, when he started contributing to various online publications and blogs. He quickly gained a reputation for his ability to break down complex technical concepts into engaging and accessible language, making him a go-to writer for tech companies and startups looking to communicate their ideas to a wider audience. In recent years, Todd has focused on writing about the latest trends and innovations in the tech and design spaces. He has covered everything from artificial intelligence and machine learning to user experience (UX) design and human-computer interaction. His writing has appeared in a range of publications, including major tech websites, design magazines, and industry-specific journals. Todd's writing style is characterized by his ability to balance technical accuracy with engaging storytelling. He is known for his ability to distill complex ideas into clear and concise language, making him a favorite among readers who are looking for in-depth analysis and insight into the latest tech and design trends. When he's not writing, Todd can be found attending industry conferences and events, where he stays up-to-date on the latest developments in the tech and design worlds. He is also an avid user of new technologies and loves to experiment with new tools and platforms. Overall, Todd is a highly respected and experienced writer who is dedicated to helping readers understand the latest trends and innovations in the tech and design spaces. His writing is informative, engaging, and always insightful, making him a valuable resource for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve in these rapidly evolving fields.

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