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Designing for App Store Success: Optimizing Mobile App UI/UX for Higher Rankings


You have poured your heart and soul into developing a groundbreaking iPhone app. Now, the App Store beckons, promising millions of potential users. But the journey is far from over. Publishing your app is just the first sprint in a long marathon of securing visibility, engagement, and higher rankings for your app. This process is complex and it demands meticulous preparation:

  • First, you will have to secure a developer account ($99/year): your entry point to the App Store. If you publish multiple iOS apps, each project requires its own, separate developer account.
  • Becoming a Google Play Developer is a similar process. You have to pay a one-time fee of $25 and for each app you publish, you need to register a separate Gmail account.
  • Next, you have to navigate App Store Connect: the platform where you can define and submit your app’s ‘identity’ to get approved. By ‘identity’ we mean your app’s description, keywords, screenshots, preview videos, etc.
  • If your app meets Apple’s high standards, they’ll approve your registration within 2-3 days. If not, you have to address their feedback and resubmit.

The journey does not end at approval. To maintain your app’s standing in the app store you have to continuously improve your app through targeted bug fixes and UI/UX refinements. Right after your app’s launch, respond to user reviews, identify and address common UX complaints, encourage positive feedback, and deliver stellar customer support.

Here we will dissect the battles apps face after development and launch. These battles are about discoverability, user acquisition, app rankings, and ultimately, fostering meaningful user interactions. We’ll also learn how to optimize your app’s UI/UX to climb the App Store charts. But first, let us discuss App Store Optimization (ASO).

What Is ASO, What Does It Have to Do With UI/UX And Why Does Your App Need It?

ASO, or App Store Optimization, is the art and science of strategically improving your app’s store listing to maximize its visibility, convert curious browsers into loyal users, and capitalize on organic traffic. A well-optimized listing increases your app’s chances of ranking higher in search results and top charts. This prime real estate attracts more organic traffic.

If your app’s onboarding process is optimized to capture leads, this traffic will likely convert into an engaged user base. The more organic installs your listing generates, the lower your cost-per-install (CPI). Here are the core ASO ‘best practices’ that leading firms follow in mobile UX design services:

1. A/B Testing: Optimizing Your App Before Launch

Before diving into ASO, use A/B testing to refine your app’s UI/UX for peak performance. Develop multiple variations of your app’s UI, each with different designs, features, or UI elements. Present each variant to a segmented audience to measure and compare their effectiveness. Analyze user behavior across all variants. Pinpoint which design, feature, or interface changes lead to increased user engagement, improved retention rates, and enhanced onboarding experiences.

2. Competitor Research

Before laying the groundwork for a thriving app store presence through ASO, find out what your competitors are up to:

  • Locate your app’s primary category in the App Store
  • Examine the top 10 results: their design elements, description, featured functionalities, images, etc.
  • Analyze the similarities/differences between each competitor’s listing
  • Compare the low-ranking apps to top performers

Identify areas where your own app’s store listing can do better.

3. Name Your App

Assess the linguistic landscape of your target audience. Then, jot down a list of words, phrases, or even puns that capture your app’s essence. Now, whittle down your list to a few concise names that fit the 30-character App Store limit. Opt for a name that’s memorable, catchy, easy to spell, and easy to pronounce. The name should represent your app’s core values.

4. Crafting Your App’s ‘Icon Identity’

Your app’s icon will not only appear on the store listing, it will also be present on the phone’s home screen and in the search results. In a split second, can make or break a user’s decision to download. To make sure your icon silently speaks volumes about your app, take these steps:

  • Reflect Your App’s Essence: Subtly incorporate design elements that hint at your app’s core functionalities.
  • Simplicity: Strive for a simple, unique, yet visually appealing design that instantly captures attention.
  • Graphics: Opt for graphic elements over photographs for optimal visual impact.
  • Minimal Text Use: Only use text if it’s an essential part of your brand identity, as it can hinder readability at smaller screen sizes.
  • Brand Consistency: Maintain a consistent icon design across all platforms to solidify brand recognition.

Before picking up your digital paintbrush, conduct competitor research. Assess your competitors’ app icons for inspiration.

5. Compelling App Screenshots

Screenshots are a key element of app store listings. They offer an insightful glimpse into the app’s functionalities. To make sure your app’s screenshots positively influence download decisions, take these steps:

  • Align your screenshots with your app’s primary mode of use. Maintain consistency by choosing either portrait or landscape exclusively.
  • Maintain a high-resolution aesthetic for the screenshots. Avoid using blurry, pixelated, or low-budget visuals.
  • Excessive use of text on mobile-sized screenshots will hinder readability. Keep your screenshots clean, visually clear, and uncluttered.
  • Take full advantage of the available screenshot slots. Use 10 screenshots on the Apple App Store and 8 Google Play Store.
  • Weave a compelling visual narrative by adjusting the sequential order of your screenshots.

If you’re targeting multiple, international markets, factor in localization.

6. Crafting Compelling App Descriptions

Your app description has two key components: the short description and the long description. The short description, acting as your elevator pitch, should be snappy, attention-grabbing, and concisely convey your app’s value proposition within the character limit (45 for App Store)

The long description offers more breathing room (up to 4,000 characters) to showcase your app’s functionalities, highlight what differentiates you from competitors, and clearly articulate the problem your app solves. Use bulleted lists to break down complex concepts into easily scannable chunks. Use short paragraphs and capitalized titles to enhance readability.

7. Choose Your Category Wisely

On the Apple App Store, you can label your app under 46 categories. Imagine how your target audience would search for your app by category. Align your category choices with their thought process. Choosing a less-crowded category can potentially improve your app’s discoverability.

8. Use the Right Keywords

Add relevant and trending keywords into your app title, subtitle, or description to capitalize on current search behavior and enhance discoverability. Target mid-tail and long-tail keywords with high download intent. For example, your target users may search for specific phrases like, “food delivery in Phuket” or “dating app for adults.” Use brand-centric keywords as well so that users can easily find your app by searching your company name on the app store.

9. Leverage Video for App Visibility

A well-crafted promotional video can quickly explain your app’s functionalities and encourage installation. Plus, app preview videos auto-play in both App Store and Google Play Store search results. Create a high-quality 30-second ‘elevator pitch’ video and add it to the listing.

10. Encourage Positive User Reviews

A healthy stream of recent five-star reviews and a strong overall rating will directly boost your app’s conversion rate. Encourage users to share positive reviews and high rankings. Top-ranked apps are generally perceived as stable, bug-free, and offering superior user experiences.

11. Keep Refining Your ASO Efforts

For user acquisition managers, a key challenge lies in quantifying the effectiveness of their ASO efforts. Factors like keyword ranking, user feedback, and conversion rate all influence app growth. But how do you identify and prove these correlations? Several ASO tools exist to tackle this challenge. If you have an Android app, use Google’s built-in A/B testing tool to refine your app store listing. For iOS 15 apps, perform A/B testing by following these steps:

  • Test various app titles to see which grabs attention and conveys value most effectively.
  • Experiment with different icons to find the one that stands out and entices users to click.
  • Test different app descriptions; test variations in tone, length, and style to see which versions resonate best with test users.
  • Experiment with different keywords, tags, and metadata; pick the ones that improve discoverability the most.

Final Take

Achieving and maintaining high app store rankings requires consistent effort. Analyze user reviews, respond to user queries, and proactively address all common complaints through bug fixes and targeted UI/UX enhancements. By consistently implementing these ASO best practices you can propel your app towards higher rankings!

