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Web Design Ideas for College Students: Top 5


In the present day, everyone has their own website. From small businesses to huge brands everyone possesses a website that gives their potential audience more details about the business. With everything having its website and people coming across different types of websites the websites need to be very interesting or eye-catching. A great-looking and interesting website can help the business grow.


A lot of people do face problems when it comes to making a good Website that will draw the attention of the audience. The competition is so much that boring websites don’t even stand the chance of surviving. Mainly for college students, making stylish websites as their college projects can be difficult as well. So here is an article that will help you with ideas that you can implement while making a website for your school or college project.

About Web Design

Web design is a very familiar word to all of us, but what exactly is it? Web design or website design is self-explanatory. It means the design of any website that can be displayed or exhibited on the internet. Web design mainly depends on the experience of website development and not software development. There are more than 1.7 billion existing websites in the present day.

With so many websites and so much competition, there are a few key points to make a great website. Websites should be eye-catching and easy to use so that people can get attracted to them and use them easily. It should also be interesting to keep the audience hooked and it should also be true to the brand or group and should be aesthetically pleasing.

Here are the top 5 Web design ideas for college students, according to experts on

Giphy Website

The Giphy website is one of the easiest and attractive-looking website ideas you can try for your college project. Websites that have animated images and GIFs are in the game now. These are best for websites that are made for students. You need to have good knowledge about the Giphy API to be able to create this Giphy website.

Countdown Timer Website

The countdown timer website is a very eye-catching website and is the best shopping site that can offer ending timers and countdown. This type of website is fairly easy to make and you just have to keep changing and updating the time. This can be created with the help of JavaScript and can be a very unique and existing website design for your college project.

Quiz Game Websites

A good quiz Game is always interesting, be it in a newspaper or a website. This can very well attract an audience and can also get you great marks for creativity in your college project. For this type of website, you need to know JavaScript very well. However, this can be a little challenging but is a very good project idea. You can experiment with all your skills in making this website as interesting as possible.

Survey Form Website

This can be a great website idea for various companies that require data from the audience. This survey form website is easy to make and can be a stand-out website for your College project. For this, you have to know HTML to create these questionnaires and survey forms that can be useful for the collection of data from the targeted audience.

Drawing Website

Drawing Websites are very interesting and can easily hook the audience very easily. For this type of website, you have to have good knowledge of CSS and JavaScript and this can be a great idea for your project. You can use the drawing capabilities of JavaScript and this can be very eye-catching with the presence of various graphic designs and images. You can also use the JavaScript art and drawing library like Raphael, oCanvas, and Canviz.

Final Words

Creating creative websites is not easy. You need to have a lot of knowledge about computers and also various computer languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The more you know about these computer languages the easier it is to create amazing websites for your college project. It is very important to keep in mind that in the present day, people love something extra. So when you create a website make sure you go that extra mile to make your website stand out from the crowd.

