Hysterical Recreations Of Baby Photos On Pinterest

Every parent wants their child to look like a baby model in their pictures, to show them off to their friends and family. However, most people don’t realize that a photographer spends a considerable amount of time trying to make each picture perfect- and sometimes it takes a professional to get the perfect shot. The list gathered below, is proof of what your results may be like if you try to attempt a professional picture by yourself. These pictures are hilarious, trust us.

The adorable shot would definitely take some time to capture, but it’s worth it. Being wrapped up in a tight blanket would make anyone cranky. The poor baby on the right looks like he is either; mad or about to go to the bathroom. Either way, it makes for a funny picture!

Being Wrapped Like This Wouldn’t Make Us Happy Either

Being Wrapped Like This Wouldn’t Make Us Happy Either

All Tangled Up

Get Me Outta Here!

A photographer usually has a good understanding of what works and what doesn’t. The little nugget on the left seemed to have fallen asleep in the netting; however, the poor little baby on the right didn’t look so comfortable. Maybe lose the netting? Get Me Outta Here!

Bad Aiming Kisses

This Photo Shoot Was Ruined By Bad Aim

This photo was almost a success, but not quite. The photo on top is sweet and pure, and the photo on the bottom could have been perfect if the person would have kissed the baby’s cheek. At least the photo on the bottom displays a more real life direction, since not everything goes perfectly- and that’s why we still love it.. This Photo Shoot Was Ruined By Bad Aim

To Be Fair, The Girl on the Left is a lot Older

To Be Fair, The Original Girl Is Much Older

To be fair, the girl on the left appears to be much older, and that means it’s a lot easier to give directions- opposed to a younger child. We still absolutely love the photo on the right. Her expression is priceless.

Pumpkin Baby

A Pumpkin Is No Place For A Baby

Let’s be honest, a pumpkin is no place for a baby. A pumpkin is cold, slimy, and there’s no space to move around. So we understand the poor little baby’s expression on the right. We would feel the same way!. A Pumpkin Is No Place For A Baby

Snowman Baby

Doesn’t Really Make The Baby Any Less Adorable

The baby on the right may not look super thrilled, but it’s still an adorable picture! His little pout makes it all the better. It may not look like the perfect picture on the left, but we still enjoy it. If he grows up to dislike Christmas, we would understand. Doesn’t Really Make The Baby Any Less Adorable

Help! I’m Tangled in the Lights

Help! The Lights Are Coiling Themselves Around Me!

We don’t really think lights should be used as a prop for a baby picture for safety reasons, with that being said- at least the photo on the left is adorable. The poor kid on the right is terrified. The little tot is all tangled in these lights, and not having it. Help! The Lights Are Coiling Themselves Around Me!

Why is Putting your Kid in Fruit for a Picture a thing?

Who Came Up With Idea Of Putting Babies Inside Fruits And Vegetables?

Who doesn’t love watermelon for a nice summer treat? However, fruit isn’t meant to put your baby in. The poor kid on the right clearly isn’t happy- and we don’t blame them. Watermelon is cold, sticky, and small. Parents, if you really want a picture with your child in fruit- leave it to the professionals. Who Came Up With Idea Of Putting Babies Inside Fruits And Vegetables?

Leave it to the Pros

WARNING: Keep Glass Balls Away From Children

We don’t really think that children should be surrounded by glass balls, since they can easily be shattered. With that being said, a picture should also be planned realistically. You should take in consideration if the baby can lift their head, the camera angle, and the baby’s abilities. However, we are happy that we get to enjoy this hilarious picture. WARNING: Keep Glass Balls Away From Children

I think I have something in my Eye

Oh No! There’s Something In My Eye

A baby having fun with some cake or a cupcake may look fun, until the child gets cake in their eye. Then the photo shoot is cut short. Try to keep it simple; less of a mess, and more of a chance you will get the perfect shot. Oh No! There’s Something In My Eye

Mommy and Mini Me

I Wanna Be Like Mommy

The image on the left has gone viral, and many people have tried to recreate it. The child in the right picture is goofy, but we love it. We believe this mom and daughter duo will treasure this photo for a long time. I Wanna Be Like Mommy

“Do I have to Smile”?


Didn’t I Tell You No Flowers?!

Sometimes a child just isn’t in the mood to smile. The child on the left looks pretty happy with her headband, while the baby on the right is just not having it. This re-creation may be considered a “fail” but it’s an awesome and hilarious photo. Didn’t I Tell You No Flowers?!

Bubblegum Jar

It’s Called A Choking Hazard

The photo on the left is adorable and impressive; however, it seems like it could be dangerous. It can easily become a choking hazard. The poor little baby on the right is not happy about being in a jar of gum- we can’t say we blame her. It’s Called A Choking Hazard

Stocking Baby

Mom, Please Act Like A Grownup And Put On The Sock Correctly

A baby is not meant to fit in a sock or even a stocking, and the poor kiddo on the right understands this. The setup in the right photo may not be the best, but at least the sweet baby is calm and not upset. Mom, Please Act Like A Grownup And Put On The Sock Correctly

“See, I Told You I Can’t Read”

I Told You I Can’t Read!

The idea of this photo seems easy, but the baby on the right proves it’s definitely not a simple idea. However, no photo with a baby is ever simple. This photo should prove that you should never assume that what may work for someone else, doesn’t mean it will work for you. I Told You I Can’t Read!

The Trust Exercise Photo shoot

Is This Photo Shoot Or A Trust Exercise?

The photo on the top worked seamlessly, because they worked with a newborn. By working with a newborn, it was easier to fit the small baby into their hands. The baby on the bottom is a little more grown; which made it harder, and also appear more awkward- and the baby’s expression says it all. Is This Photo Shoot Or A Trust Exercise?

Be Joyful

Is This Joyful Enough For You?

It’s difficult enough to get the perfect picture of just one child, let alone three children. The photo on the bottom may be considered as a “fail”, but we love it. It’s hilariously ironic, because the kids are all upset while holding letters up that spell “JOY”- and we are glad this photo exists. Is This Joyful Enough For You?

“I’ll Just Sleep Right Here”

I Give Up

These kinds of photos are everywhere. This is a typical picture to show off your newborn, it’s a classic photo. The poor kid on the bottom is just ready for a nap. The classic picture didn’t work out the way they intended it to. I Give Up

“Look What the Mail Brought us!”

Didn’t Know Storks Deliver In Boxes

Execution is everything when it comes to this photoshoot; otherwise, it will look like the photo on the right. The photo on the right is pretty hilarious, though. This baby is not upset, not mad, and completely still- almost too still. Is this baby real? Didn’t Know Storks Deliver In Boxes

Tiny Truck

A Truck Too Tiny

The photo on top is a great idea for a newborn picture. It’s important to almost have the baby curl up on the truck. The parents of the baby on the bottom picture didn’t do that, and the poor baby looks so uncomfortable. Execution is key, A Truck Too Tiny

I Don’t Want To Be A Stocking Stuffer!

I Don’t Want To Be A Stocking Stuffer!

We love this photoshoot idea for the Holidays. It’s an absolutely adorable idea, and the picture on top just melts our heart with how sweet it is. You may be able to notice that the baby in the photo on top is not actually in the stocking. The poor baby in the bottom photo didn’t have such luck. The poor angels’ parents put the baby inside the stocking, and we don’t blame the child for their reaction- we would be uncomfortable too. I Don’t Want To Be A Stocking Stuffer!

“Don’t Mess With Her”

The Rose Among The Thorns

This is an adorable picture idea for families with mostly boys, who are welcoming a baby girl into the family. The first photo is so cute, whereas the second photo displays that the boys aren’t all on the same page. At least we know they can agree on one thing, that they will always have her back. The Rose Among The Thorns

Baby it’s Cold Outside

WE Don’t Want To Make Snow Angels!

Who doesn’t know what a snow angel is? It’s a big part of playing in the snow during Winter. The top photo is precious and cute, and the baby is very bundled up. Unfortunately, in the second photo the poor babies look uncomfortable and very cold. Just remember, if you want to take your sweet angels outside for a photoshoot- make sure you bundle them up properly. WE Don’t Want To Make Snow Angels!

Morning Cup of Joe

Where’s My Morning Cup?!

Both of these photos succeed; however, the second baby isn’t very happy. The photo on the right is lacking a few aspects the first photo has. The background on the right doesn’t fill the entire frame like the photo on the left does. Other than that, we love both photos! Where’s My Morning Cup?!

“It’s My Party, I Can Cry if I want to”

Is It Too Much To Ask For Cake?!

This picture idea is amazing, and the picture on the left is exploding with cuteness! Everything is perfect about the photo on the left such as; the outfit, the background, her sweet smile, and of course the cake. The baby on the right just wasn’t having it. Most of the elements were copied pretty perfectly, the poor angel just wanted to be able to cry on her birthday- because she can! Is It Too Much To Ask For Cake?!

Does Anyone have a Spit Up Towel?

It Pays To Keep Your Mouth Shut

This is a classic pose, and the mom and baby actually nailed it. However, the mom was brave and decided to get a couple more shots for good measure- and the poor mom received an unexpected surprise. The hilarious photo on the right gives you a little glimpse of what parenthood looks like. It Pays To Keep Your Mouth Shut

Someone woke up on the wrong Side of the Crib

Someone Hasn’t Taken Their Chill Pill

A button up shirt and a bowtie is the perfect combo for an adorable baby picture. Just make sure the baby is comfortable, while wearing it. The sweet baby on the left is adorable and looks happy. The baby on the left doesn’t look too happy to be there. Regardless, we love both pictures, and both of the photos are true gems! Someone Hasn’t Taken Their Chill Pill

Being a Baby is Exhausting

I’m SOOOO Sleepy!

This seems like a pretty difficult photo to achieve. There are many aspects that really make it into the perfect photo it is. They have to be sleep and their heads have to be cradled into their little hands. We love both photos! The photo on the right just makes us melt with how cute and funny it is! We find both of these photos a win! I’m SOOOO Sleepy!

All Tangled up

Babies And Electrical Wiring Are Not Always A Great Combo

The photo on the left is a very cute picture, but the poor child on the right is not happy. The kid is not thrilled about being tangled in lights. We can’t really blame the poor thing; we wouldn’t be thrilled about being all tangled up in Christmas lights either. Babies And Electrical Wiring Are Not Always A Great Combo

“Did I Say I wanted Kisses?!”

Who Said I Wanted Kisses?!?

There are usually two different ways a baby will react to being kissed several times; either the baby will laugh and smile, or the baby will cry and throw a fit. The photo on the left is just darling. The baby is smiling and very happy. The poor little angel on the right is not happy, at all. Getting the perfect shot takes patience, and the photo to the right proves that. Who Said I Wanted Kisses?!?

The Balancing Act

Isn’t It Too Much To Expect Kids To Pull Off This Balancing Act?

It’s difficult enough taking a photo of a baby, let alone taking a photo of your children balancing on each other. The children in the right photo look extremely uncomfortable. The two older kids look very unamused, and the poor baby is in the process of slipping. However, we can’t discredit how funny this picture is. Isn’t It Too Much To Expect Kids To Pull Off This Balancing Act?

Seems Simple Enough, Right?

Looks Simple Enough

It’s easy to assume that the photo on the left would be an easy pose to capture; however the picture on the right proves it’s not. You would think that laying a towel on a baby would be an extremely easy pose, but really most poses with a baby can be difficult. The poor baby on the right looks so upset! Looks Simple Enough

The Stars and Stripes

The Stars And Stripes Forever

This photoshoot idea is absolutely adorable. There are many aspects that really pull the picture on the left together; the sunglasses, the American flag, and even the pose. Even though the picture on the right is considered a “fail”, we still love it! The Stars And Stripes Forever

Get Another Spit Towel!

Oops! Didn’t Really See That Coming

The expression of this baby is priceless. We feel very sorry for the dad, but this photoshoot is epic. Oops! Didn’t Really See That Coming

The New Baby is Not Welcome Here

New Baby Not Welcome

There are some kids who are excited to have a younger brother or sister. There are also some children who just want to stay as the only child. The child on the left is excited to be a big brother. The poor kid on the right is very upset. He just wants his parent’s full attention, poor little guy. New Baby Not Welcome

Carrot on the Face

Carrot Gone Rogue

There are many props, costumes, and backgrounds to use for a Holiday picture. You would think it would be easy to let your baby lie on the ground and place a carrot next to them for a picture; however, it is harder than you think. The poor baby on the right has a carrot on their face, that can’t be comfortable. Carrot Gone Rogue

The Uncomfortable Sailor

An Uncomfortable Sailor

For some reason, parents love to dress their babies up in a sailor costume- and we do have to agree they love pretty cute dressed as a sailor. The kid on the left is adorable. He looks happy and it’s just an overall good picture. The poor baby on the right looks extremely uncomfortable, and his expression is a little off. An Uncomfortable Sailor

A Bunch of Kisses

A Few Kisses

This idea for a photoshoot is seriously adorable. When you think about this idea you probably thought about the picture on the left. That picture honestly couldn’t be any cuter. The poor baby on the right looks very uncomfortable. There are not enough kisses on set that can make this baby happy. A Few Kisses

“Oh, Just Enjoying My Morning Reading”

What?! Why Did They Do That?

There’s something adorable about this picture, knowing that babies can’t read. The cute little guy on the left looks like he is really enjoying his reading material. The baby on the right looks like he’s not into reading at all. Both photos are pretty cute though. What?! Why Did They Do That?

He Was Not Thrilled by His Presents

Can Someone Give This Baby Some Holiday Cheer?

Christmas is a cheerful and happy time. The little guy on the left is most of our expressions on Christmas morning. The baby is excited and happy. The poor baby on the right is not amused at all. Poor thing ran out of holiday cheer. Can Someone Give This Baby Some Holiday Cheer?

All Bundled Up

If You Didn’t Get Dirty, You Wouldn’t Need A Bath

This pose is iconic when it comes to a baby photoshoot. The baby on the left is adorable, and the picture is just a good picture all around. The poor kid on the right is just not having a good day. She will probably need to have a second bath after this photo. If You Didn’t Get Dirty, You Wouldn’t Need A Bath

The Ballerinas

The Little Ballerina

We honestly love both pictures in their own way. The picture to the left is sweet, and the picture to the right shows how much character the baby has. Both pictures are a win in our book. The Little Ballerina

A Baby in a Breakfast Bowl

A Breakfast Bowl Of Goodness

The cutie to left is adorable, and the picture is pretty cute. The poor baby on the right looks uncomfortable, upset, and just squished in the cereal bowl. We don’t blame the tiny tot, we would be uncomfortable and probably cry too. A Breakfast Bowl Of Goodness


Is That Supposed To Be Santa?!

Babies wearing Santa hats are just heartwarming. The picture to the left is cute with the Santa hat and big eyes. The picture to the right is hilarious, with the oversized hat. Both pictures are adorable in their own way. Is That Supposed To Be Santa?!

Christmas Shoes

Holiday Heels

A baby in adult clothing is undeniably sweet. Toddlers obviously can’t walk in heels, which is why Santa is giving them a hand. Both pictures are pretty cute, but the photo on the right isn’t professionally taken and the shoes aren’t upright. Both pictures are pretty good though, in our book. Holiday Heels

Another Stocking Baby

Another Stocking Stuffer

Here’s another baby in a stocking. This prop is common to use for baby Christmas photos. The baby on the left looks like they are in a little sleeping bag, and they are comfortable. The baby has enough room to move around; whereas, the poor baby on the right looks very uncomfortable. The stocking is tight and has no room. But the baby deserves some credit for keeping calm and for still following directions. Another Stocking Stuffer

Another Pumpkin Baby

A Pumpkin Of Tears

Here’s another picture of a baby in a pumpkin. There are some babies who just don’t appreciate the concept of being placed in a pumpkin. We can’t say we blame them. We wouldn’t want to be in a pumpkin either, because it’s cramped in there, it’s cold, and very slimy. A Pumpkin Of Tears

Lots of Kisses

Kiss Sandwich

Who doesn’t love a picture of parents kissing their little angel? In the photo to the left you can see the parents kissing their newborn in a perfectly illustrated way. The picture to the right these parents are doing the same thing as the picture to the left- but the baby has a hysterical reaction to being kissed. We love both photos in a different way. Kiss Sandwich

“Is it Christmas Already?!”

Not In A Festive Mood

Here’s another photo of babies all tangled in Christmas lights. The baby to the left is gnawing on the lights- which is not safe. The baby to the right looks like they are very upset. It’s best to keep glass ornaments away from children, and you should probably keep Christmas lights away from them too. Not In A Festive Mood

A Tutu Breakdown

A Different Style

The child on the left looks happy and quite adorable wearing the green peacock tutu. The poor kid in the photo to the right is extremely upset. We don’t really know if she’s upset because she’s wearing pants under the tutu, or because she’s wearing the tutu. A Different Style

Easter Eggs and a Baby?

Who Said Eggs And Babies Are A Good Match?

The baby on the left may be comfortable and at peace lying with Easter eggs all over them, but the poor baby on the right seems extremely overwhelmed. The poor baby on the right looks like the eggs were dumped on him. Maybe next time, try setting the eggs around the baby? Who Said Eggs And Babies Are A Good Match?

Baby Bunnies

The Easter Bunny That Everyone Is Looking For

There’s something adorable about a baby wearing bunny ears. Who can deny how cute the picture on top is? The baby is resting peacefully and looks very comfortable. The picture on the bottom looks extremely uncomfortable. The pose is awkward and the picture was taken from above, instead of straight on. The baby is just waiting for the Easter bunny to visit and is not worried about the photoshoot, at all. The Easter Bunny That Everyone Is Looking For

Baby in a Basket

What Did I Tell You About Ridiculous Baskets?!

This photoshoot is common. Putting a baby in a basket is normal for a picture. The baby on the left is sleeping peacefully, and the baby on the right looks very angry. The baby looks like they will have a serious talk with their parents for putting them in a basket. Regardless of the baby looking angry, both photos are quite adorable. What Did I Tell You About Ridiculous Baskets?!

When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go

Part Of The Process

This photoshoot is hilarious. While taking a picture of a baby, anything can happen- including this baby peeing on this poor mother. At least she has a sense of humor about the situation, and can laugh about it. Part Of The Process

Not a Balloon Fan

What The Fear Of Balloons Looks Like

The photoshoot idea is a good one, but the poor little baby just does not like the balloons. Some props just aren’t made for every picture, and sometimes the model just doesn’t like the prop. What The Fear Of Balloons Looks Like

The Pants Swing

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Children love swings, so why not make a pants swing. The photo to the left is adorable, and the photo to the right is a tad awkward. The kids expression says it all. Homemade Swing Fail

Tiny Baby Bed

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Other than the aqua crotchet blanket, the photo below has nothing else in common with the top photo. The photo on the bottom looks like the poor baby is doing a face plant. Tiny Baby Bed Fail

Cake Baby

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The picture may not have been taken professionally, but the smile on her face is adorable. We love both pictures. At Least She’s Just As Happy

Bunny Gone Wrong

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A tiny crochet bunny outfit is heartwarming. How can you not love these outfits? The outfit may be cute, but the pose lacked and the poor baby is crying. Little Crochet Bunny Gone Wrong

Baby in an Egg Basket

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The photo on the left was done perfectly. The sweet baby is sleeping, and the photo is just beautiful. The poor baby on the right is not having it. We can’t say we blame them, we wouldn’t want to be in a basket of cold plastic eggs either. Why Are These Cold Plastic Eggs Touching Me??

Is It Snack Time yet?

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It’s not unusual for a baby to put something in their mouth; whether, it’s food or not. The babies in the bottom photo decided to take a bite out of some Christmas ornaments. Sounds delicious? Is It Snack Time Already?

“Enough Pictures, Mom!”

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This poor baby has had enough pictures, and wants to get off of the cold floor. Maybe try again next year with a different photoshoot idea? Get Me Out Of Here, Mom!

Duck Face

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The baby may not completely have mirrored the other photo, but at least they got the duck face right. But both photos are cute in our book! Duck Face And That’s It

Get Me Out Of This Box!

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Who doesn’t love Christmas? Well, maybe this little Santa. He was not happy at all. Poor kid! Get Me Out Of This Box Immediately!

“Why Do I have to be an Elf!”

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The poor kid wanted to be a reindeer, and instead had to be an elf. His expression says it all, he was not happy to be an elf! I Didn’t Want To Be An Elf This Year!

A Real Dog and a Fake Snowman

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Who doesn’t love a kiss from your puppy under the Christmas tree; however, not many people want to be scared by a snowman. Poor kid in the picture below looks terrified- can’t say we wouldn’t have the same reaction. Real Dog Vs. Fake Snowman

Almost A Success… Almost

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The kids are stacked and almost had a great picture taken… Almost. The baby ended up spitting up on the little girl. Anyone have a spit up towel? So Close…

At Least Some Family Members Look Happy

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In the photo to the left, the dad makes carrying all of his kids look like a piece of cake. The other family must not have taken into account that they have older children; therefore they are heavier, than the toddlers the man is carrying in the photo to the left. Their idea just didn’t go according to the plan. At Least Dad And His Oldest Daughter Look Happy

“Ahhh, It’s Santa!”

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The poor Santa in the photo to the left looks concerned and scared. The baby in the photo to the right looks terrified that Santa is holding her. Maybe the babies should switch their Santa’s. Santa, Do NOT Touch Me!

Another Baby in a Pumpkin Missing a Smile

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The baby in the photo on the bottom is probably confused, because their parents are constantly teaching their child that you shouldn’t play with your food- and not wear it. The pumpkin is probably upset, because the pumpkin is cold and slimy. Missing The Headband And The Smile!

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