These Couples are Relationship Goals When it Comes to Pranks

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It’s important to keep your relationship with your partner fun and exciting. Whether that means going out to a new restaurant once a month for date night, taking weekend vacations, or playing hilarious pranks on each other, couples can get pretty creative. These couples decide to play pranks on each other to keep their relationships interesting.

The Face Swap

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This family definitely has a great sense of humor. They decided to swap faces with their children for their annual Christmas card. At first, they look like a normal family, but with a closer look you can notice that something just isn’t right here.

Breakfast in the Shower

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When women ask for breakfast in bed, it isn’t an unreasonable request. However, when they ask for breakfast in the shower, they may be stretching. Hopefully this toast doesn’t get too soggy.

Going Against the Grain

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Men can be pretty literal sometimes. This wife asked her husband to cut her sandwich in half. She never specified how to cut it in half, though.

The Spitting Lizard

Ladies, when it comes to decorating the house, don’t let your husbands have any say in it. When this man’s wife went out for the day, he decided to put the face of a spitting lizard over the air freshener.

Sneaking Dish Washer

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Nobody likes doing the dishes. So, this husband made a print of the bottom of their sink so he can just put it over the dirty dishes he doesn’t want to clean. Do you think his wife is fooled?

Haircut on the House

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This boyfriend decided to play the ultimate prank on his girlfriend. He found a lock of hair that looked just like hers. Then he came up behind her with scissors and pretended to cut off a chunk of her hair. When she looked around and saw the hair, she freaked out.

Always Watching

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This prank is hilarious and harmless. This husband decided to put googly eyes on everything in the fridge so that when his wife opened it, everything was staring at her.

The Protector

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You always want to feel safe and protected in your home. So, when this man’s wife mentioned she wanted a guard dog, he assured her that their turtle could protect them. To prove it he taped a knife to their turtle.

Bruce Willis

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Nobody enjoys doing mundane tasks like changing out the air filters in vents. So, this wife put a photo of Bruce Willis in the vent to make her husband chuckle.

Just a Plain Tie

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When one husband asked his wife what type of tie he should wear to a dinner party, she responded with “plain.” Well, he decided to interpret that in his own way. This was the “plane” tie he wore to dinner.

Chewbacca Contest

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This Star Wars-loving husband decided to play a great geeky prank on his wife. He posted these flyers around town in hopes that people would call and leave a Chewbacca roar on his wife’s phone.

Please Honk

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This woman had no idea why people kept honking at her as she drove to work one morning. Then, when she parked and walked behind her car, she saw what her husband had wrote on her bumper.

Fine Jewelry

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This husband wanted to surprise his wife with a nice piece of jewelry. Too bad it was attached to a coffee mug. At least she’ll get to wear it once a day.

Heart Shaped Pancakes

One Saturday morning, this boyfriend peeked his head into the bedroom to wake up his sleeping girlfriend. He told her that he was making heart-shaped pancakes for her. Little did she know that he was making the actual anatomically correct heart.

Star Trek

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This geeky husband decided to surprise his wife by hiding a cardboard cutout of Wolf from Star Trek in the shower. We can only imagine how loud she screamed when she pulled the curtain back.

Jarred Husband

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When it’s time to punish your husband, just put him in a jar. This husband decided to print out a photo of his face and put it in a jar to give his wife a good laugh.

Grass Art

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This husband decided to get a little creative while mowing the lawn on weekend. He showed some love for his favorite superhero, Batman!

Designer Bag

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The way to a woman’s heart is either through diamonds or designer handbags. This husband decided to get punny and gift his wife a “Coach” bag for her birthday. It may not be designer, but she still looks happy.

Fake Diary

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To prank her nosy boyfriend, this girl decided to create a fake diary. When he saw her writing, he asked to see it. So, when she handed it over he read about her arm candy boyfriend Jacob.

Just a Bite

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Nobody actually likes sharing their food with their significant other. However, when this husband asked for a bite of his wife’s ice cream, she had no problem handing it over. Until he took a bite from the bottom of the cone, that is.

Broken Window

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If you want to start a fight in the morning before work, play this broken window prank on your significant other. Simply roll the window down, learn a shovel against the door and spread out broken glass on the floor.

Healthy Snack

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Gaining weight in a relationship is almost inevitable. So, this wife decided to trick her husband into eating healthy foods on April Fool’s Day. She filled a Krispy Kreme box with vegetables and left it for him to find.

Height Difference

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This woman, who is pretty short, asked her boyfriend to hang up a new mirror in her bathroom. Unfortunately, he’s pretty tall. So, he didn’t think about how low he had to hang it in order for his girlfriend ot be able to see herself.

Hot Cup of Tea

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There is nothing like relaxing with a hot cup of tea after a long day. So, when this wife asked her husband to make her one, this is what he came back with.

The Upside Down

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If you have some time to kill and want to prank your partner, this prank is hilarious. This wife decided to turn everything in the house upside down for her husband to find when he came home from work.

Boiled Eggs

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This man’s wife loves hard-boiled eggs. So, to keep them separate, he asked her to mark them with a B. Little did he know that she was going to get artsy and draw bees on each hard-boiled egg.

Generic Celebration

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Some people just aren’t very excited about celebrating their birthday. So, when this woman’s birthday was coming up, her husband decided to be very generic about it.

What’s That Number?

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The number on the scale can be pretty terrifying sometimes. This husband knows just how important that number is to his wife, so he decided to mess with her and make her think she was much heavier.

The Butterfly Tattoo

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Imagine walking around all day long without knowing you have a butterfly on the back of your neck. That’s exactly what happened to this boyfriend when his girlfriend put a temporary tattoo on his neck while he was sleeping.

Seafood for Dinner

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When this wife asked her husband what he wanted for dinner, he responded with “fish.” He never said what type of fish, though.

The Oregon Trail

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Some people have a favorite game that they really connected to as a child. This wife decided to get her husband a thoughtful gift from The Oregon Trail. Unfortunately, she decided to take a more morbid route.

Big Pillows

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You always have to be specific when it comes to telling your husband what you want them to do. When this wife asked her husband to go out and buy a pillow, he came back with the biggest one he could find. At least it looks comfortable.

Thinking of You

Women love getting flowers from their significant others. This husband decided to go a different route, though. Rather than sending flowers, he sent packages of flour. Hopefully she likes to bake.

The Cockroach

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Some men hate bugs as much as women do. So, this wife decided to make a cut out of a bug and place it in a lamp to freak her husband out when he got home. It worked.

Dinner’s On the Stove

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When this wife asked her husband to start cooking dinner and put the spaghetti on the stove, this is the picture she received. We’re sure he heard an earful when she got home.

New Logo

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This husband loves Jurassic Park. So, when he noticed that Clabber Girl sounds very similar to “clever girl,” a famous line from the movie, he decided to put a dinosaur on the cornstarch container.

Ready for Halloween

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Imagine laying in bed reading a book and you see this creature walk through your door. This husband decided to scare his wife by putting this horrifying mask on their dog as Halloween was approaching.

Gift Wrapping

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Some men just can’t be bothered when it comes to wrapping gifts. So, this husband decided to embrace the stereotype and wrap a gift for his wife as badly as he could.

French Toast

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It’s always nice to wake up to breakfast already made. So, when this wife told her husband that she left him some French toast on the stove, he was pretty excited. That is until he saw that it was two pieces of French toast cereal.

Keeping It Spicy

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For his wife’s 40th birthday, this husband decided to buy her a book. Unfortunately, according to this book the future doesn’t look very bright for her.

Coke Over Pepsi

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After his girlfriend revealed that she preferred Pepsi over Coke, he couldn’t help himself. The next morning she found her Pepsi spilled in the fridge and surrounded by cans of Coke.


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Breaking the fart barrier in a relationship is tricky. It can take months or even years. So, when the barrier was finally broken for this couple, they decided to celebrate with a cake.

Better Luck Next Time

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This husband is known for leaving empty boxes and containers in the pantry and fridge. So, his wife decided to get him back by leaving an empty box of his favorite snack with a little note.

Thinking Of You

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While on a trip to Dubai, this man’s pregnant wife asked him to send her a photo of something that reminds him of her. So, this is what he sent her. To be fair, it does have some kind of resemblance.

50 Shades of Gray

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Redecorating a room can be pretty stressful, especially when it comes to picking out a paint color. This wife decided to play a prank on her husband by coming back with 50 different shades of gray.

Looking for Inspiration

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To provide his wife with some inspiration for cleaning the house, he bought her this book. Needless to say, she wasn’t very impressed.

Childish Humor

Some men just never grow up. This husband decided to wipe off all of the letters of a shampoo bottle to make it say “poo.” Hopefully his wife has the same sense of humor.

Jabba the Hut

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It isn’t always easy being sexy for your boyfriend. This girlfriend decided to have her beau come home to quite a surprise. She dressed up as Jabba the Hut from Star Wars. He must have been very surprised.

The Photographer

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Welcoming a baby is one of the happiest days of a parent’s life. So, when this mother was giving birth, she wanted to make sure that someone caught a picture of her expression the moment her baby was born. The father made sure that happened.

Laser Hair Removal

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When asked what she would like for Christmas, his man’s wife said she wanted laser hair removal. He decided it was just a little too expensive. So, he improvised with this handy little device.

Coupon Gifts

Coupon gifts aren’t only thoughtful but a super easy gift when you’re on a budget. This wife decided to play a funny (and maybe cruel) joke on her husband with one of her lovely coupons.

Balancing Act

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Toilet paper is a pretty necessary thing to have. This boyfriend decided to prank his super short girlfriend by stacking all of the toilet paper in the house on top of a shelf that she cannot reach. Jokes on him, though because when she needs it he’s going to be the one to get it down.

The Shaving Challenge

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Be careful what you challenge your wife to. This husband was convinced that his wife couldn’t shave his foot without him noticing. Well, not only did she shave his foot completely, but she also managed to give him a pedicure.

Taking Out the Trash

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Sometimes men have way too much time on their hands. When this girlfriend asked her boyfriend to take out the trash from putting their bedframe together, he decided to get creative and make it into a space ship. At least it’s out of the bedroom.

He’s Sensitive

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Get you a girl who can joke around. This girl decided to make fun of her boyfriends sensitive teeth by leaving him a little note on his Sensodyne toothpaste.

Send Pics

When this boyfriend let his girlfriend know that he was sleeping over his friend’s house, she asked him to send her some frisky pictures. This is what she received.

What a Monster

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What monster eats only the tops of the muffins? There may be a divorce in the future for this married couple.

The Golden Retriever

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When asked what she wanted for her birthday, she said she wanted a Golden Retriever. Well, her boyfriend delivered her a litter retriever made of gold. While it isn’t very fluffy or cuddly, he did get her what she asked for.

A Different Kind of Diamond

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They say that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Unfortunately, this boyfriend can’t get away from his video games to know what type of diamonds they’re actually talking about.

Just Peeking In

This husband decided to hide a Woody toy in the shower behind all of his wife’s bathing products. How long do you think it will take for her notice that someone is watching her?

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