These Neighbors Are the Absolute Worst

If you’ve ever had a terrible neighbor, you know just how annoying and frustrating it can be. You can only do so much to complain about their behavior or keep your silence and try to ignore them. These people couldn’t take their terrible neighbors any longer, so they decided to embarrass them on the Internet for thousands of people to see.

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Green House

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These neighbors clearly want to help out the environment. They basically made their house a part of their lawn. Whoever said the grass was greener on the other side definitely wasn’t referring to this house.

Winter Wonderland

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We can’t stand those neighbors who keep their Christmas decorations up for way too long. It looks like these people decided to abandon ship altogether and just leave them out all year long.

Roof Chilling

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Some people want a rooftop deck so badly, but can’t afford it. This man decided to make his own deck by bringing up a couch and hanging out on it with an ice-cold beer. We still can’t figure out how he got the couch up there, though.

Something Different

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Imagine living next to this house. You probably wouldn’t be able to get anything done for the first few weeks because you would be staring at it for so long.

Flamingo Flock

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Nobody knows how to talk to each other anymore. This neighbor had the cops called on her rather than the person coming over to confront their issue. Now she put a flock of ugly flamingos in her yard to embarrass everyone in the neighborhood.

Just Mowing the Lawn

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Rather than investing in an actual seated lawn mower, this neighbor decided to make his own scooter and push mower. We can only imagine what other problems these neighbors cause.

The Mailbox

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These awful neighbors put out an eyesore of a mailbox. The mailman must get a kick out of it every time he delivers their mail.

Tailgate Party

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As the weather gets colder, we want to take advantage of the nice days that we do get. These neighbors decided to move their football watching party outside when they saw the sun was going to be out and the temperature would be warm.

Walkway Decorations

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We all have different tastes when it comes to decorating our homes. This person decided to use toilets as plant holders and install them along their driveway. It was funny at first, but now it’s just hard to look at.

Monster House

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You can’t tell us that this house doesn’t look like it has a face with some teeth. Do you think these neighbors planned the aesthetic or it just so happened to be that way?

Flat Screen TV

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These neighbors decided to work with what they had when it came to getting a flat screen TV. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars, they decided to make an old TV look like a flat screen.

Doggy Windows

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These neighbors decided to give their dogs the chance to see passersby while in their fenced-in yard. So, they cut out little holes for the dogs to put their heads through. Hopefully they’re friendly.

Pleasing the Neighbors

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When Bob asked his neighbor to paint his fence, the neighbor decided to retaliate in the best way. While he did put paint on his fence, this probably wasn’t what Bob had in mind.

Snow Removal

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Nobody enjoys shoveling snow. This nasty neighbor decided to shovel the snow from his yard and throw it into his neighbor’s yard. Luckily snow melts and it won’t be there forever.

Toilet Garden

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For some reason, people really like putting plants in empty toilets. This neighbor decided to create an entire garden out of old toilets.

The Home Addition

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It’s extremely costly to put an addition onto your home. These neighbors decided to add a second floor to their home on their own and this is what came of it.

The Angry Donkey

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Well, this is one aggressive looking mailbox. Nobody is going to want to mess with this mailbox. If the neighbor’s mailbox is this scary looking, we can only imagine what they look like.

The Partier

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The thing about having neighbors is that you get a glimpse into how they live. This neighbor obviously likes to party a lot and drink. Sometimes they even end up passing out right in front of their house for everyone to see.

The DIY Neighbors

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These neighbors like to do home projects themselves. Rather than getting a new basketball hoop, they decided to tie theirs up to a tree to make it stand up straight.

The Hoarders

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This picture leaves us with so many more questions than answers. First, how did this person get so many lawn mowers? Second, why are all of these lawn mowers piled up outside?

Trailer Complex

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These neighbors all worked together to build a trailer complex. It’s definitely a communal environment in this neighborhood! However, the other people living around the trailer park aren’t as amused with it.


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You can already tell these new neighbors are going to be troublesome. While moving, they somehow got their couch stuck on the balcony beneath them.

Garbage Car

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Rather than letting the garbage truck take out the trash, this neighbor decided to use his trunk as a garbage can. Talk about being a terrible neighbor! It must smell awful, especially in the heat.

The Squatters

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Just because you live next to someone doesn’t mean you are friendly with them. This is what one woman saw while coming out of her house one day. So many questions and concerns surround this situation.

A New Type of Mailbox

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We aren’t sure if this “mailbox” is up to USPS code, but it could potentially work. However, it definitely is an eyesore to the neighbors.

Cat Crossing

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Everyone has that one neighbor who is obsessed with cats. This neighbor loves his cat so much that he installed a cat crosswalk on the street and a sign asking people to slow down.

Dear Greg

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These neighbors wanted to send their message loud and clear that they didn’t like their neighbor Greg. While this is hurtful, some people just can’t take a hint!

Rain Gutter Art

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These rain gutters are definitely interesting, but probably not the most appreciated by the neighbors. If only it didn’t look like it was going to the bathroom they may have been okay with it.

Holy Cows

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These neighbors must really enjoy getting attention from their neighbors. They decided to fill their lawn up with plastic cows and a sign.

Rooftop Bathing

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Not everyone can afford to have a built-in pool. These neighbors decided to put an empty tub on their roof so they could sunbathe in the summers.

The Giraffe

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These people will forever be known as the house with the giraffe mailbox. It’s cute, but definitely causes some issues and strong opinions from the other neighbors.

Almost There

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You can tell that this party girl had a wild night. Unfortunately, she was found by her neighbors the next morning as they were off to work. At least she was halfway through the door.

Double Pool

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What’s better than having one above ground pool? Two above ground pools! These neighbors decided to keep the outer lining of their old pool and just put the new one inside of it. Nobody would know unless they were positioned above it.

The Peeping Tom

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Well now this just seems rude. While everyone knows that neighbors are likely to look over at your house once in a while, this neighbor just made everyone else feel very uncomfortable.

The Neighborhood Teens

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Living in a neighborhood with teenagers means there is bound to be some kind of trouble every once in a while. These teens decided to dress up with face paint and run around their neighborhood with a sword.

Toilet Trash

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Nobody wants to see your own toilets on the lawn waiting to be picked up by the garbage truck. Do yourself and your neighbors a favor and just bring them to the dump like normal people.

Gated Community

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Some people really like their privacy. However, if you’re going to put a fence in your driveway, make it go around your yard. It isn’t helping you in any way.


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It’s hard to believe that this person thinks that these lawn ornaments look good. Not everyone has great taste, but it’s definitely putting a damper on the neighborhood.

For Sale

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This “house” is up for sale. You can definitely tell it wasn’t listed with a real estate agent. So, buy at your own risk!

Trash Yard

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These neighbors are the ultimate litter bugs. They just leave their trash all over their yard. Imagine how angry the neighbors must be when it blows over into their yards.

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