Sometimes we will come across a driver that is so terrible and inconsiderate that we feel the need to leave a note on their car windshield letting them know just how terrible they are. These are some of the cleverest and funniest notes we’ve seen to date.
Action Movie Moves
Apparently someone always parks right in the path this guy walks every morning. Rather than leaving a nasty note, he decided to leave a sarcastic one about sliding across the hood of the car everyday like in an action movie.
Pretty Please
This note is clear and concise. It even uses the word “please.” That’s not common when people are leaving a note that criticizes someone.
Hurricane Katrina
I Want to Play a Game
This person put a note on their own windshield for the parking authority. He left a bunch of old parking passes and permits in the window so parking enforcement would have to find out which one is correct.
Joke’s on You
Now this is just mean. We all hate that sinking feeling when we see a long envelope on our car’s windshield because it means we got a parking ticket. This person just likes to mess with people.
Reserved Space
There is nothing worse than when someone double-parks their car. So, someone who just so happened to have some chalk on hand, decided to give the double-parked car its own space.
Song Parody
If you receive a note from a passerby about your parking job, you usually aren’t proud enough to show it off in a picture. Well, this woman decided to post the parody of “Call Me Maybe” someone wrote about her terrible parking job.
Coloring Page
We all remember the struggle of trying to stay in the lines when coloring as a kid. This person just so happens to carry around coloring pages for those drivers who just couldn’t seem to get passed that struggle into adulthood.
I Just Met You
Here we have another note that parodies Carly Rae Jepson’s song, “Call Me Maybe.” While this one isn’t as thought out, it definitely gets its message across.
No More Tickets
Apparently the police and parking authority are out to get this person. They’ve received three tickets in just one week. So, to let them know that they are working to resolve the issue, they left this note in their windshield window.
Grumpy Cat
Not only do we have an angry person whose spot was stolen, but he’s an artist as well! We love how he incorporated the meme of Grumpy Cat in this warning.
Going the Extra Mile
Most people just call a tow truck when they need someone’s car moved. This person left a friendly threat that next time they would call the two truck, but also add some Vaseline to the handles and windshield wipers.
Optimus Prime
This Transformers fanatic decided to incorporate his love for the franchise into the note he left for this terrible parking job. He even went as far as to sketch the symbol.
Providing Instructions
Just in case this driver needed a little extra help when it came to figuring out how to park correctly in his space, this person gives them a guide on how to do it. It’s pretty detailed so he’s definitely been thinking about it for a while.
Utilize Public Transportation
The beauty of public transportation is that you don’t have to worry about finding a parking spot for your car. The downside is that it’s public transportation.
A Helpful Witness
A witness who saw someone back into a parked car decided to leave a note for the owner because the guy left. Although, we can’t say that he is the most reliable witness.
GoT Reference
Only those of you who watched Game of Thrones will understand this note. The Lannisters are a wealthy family in the show who are ruthless when it comes to killing. All in all, the owner of this car should sleep with one eye open.
Parking Controversy
There may be two wrongs when it comes to this note. First, the person who wrote the note tried to reserve a parking spot using their trashcans. Secondly, the person who parked their car in the spot and moved the trashcans. We’ll let you decide which one is in the wrong.
The Hungry Thief
This note-writer has to be the sweetest and funniest person we’ve encountered. When he saw a KitKat sitting in the cup holder, he couldn’t help but take it. At least the driver has peace of mind knowing nothing else is missing.
He’s Fine
They say not to leave dogs or children in cars during the summer. This person had to run into the store quickly, so they left this note letting people know she wasn’t neglecting her dog.
Meme Frustration
This person had the time and motivation to go on his computer and print out a homemade meme about how someone wasn’t parking in their designated parking spot. It looks like he needs to get himself a hobby.
The Formal Letter
If you couldn’t sleep because someone’s car alarm wouldn’t stop going off, you would probably have the energy to write a formal note like this too. At least they were semi-polite about the situation. It’s the t-rex drawing that really makes us laugh though.
Potato Figurines
This person definitely has too much time on their hands. He had the time to make an entire potato army and put it on the hood of this car along with a threatening note.
Liam Neeson Inspired
If you’ve ever seen Taken with Liam Neeson, you’ll know just how funny this note is. It’s impossible not to read it and hear it in his voice.
Getting the Message Across
A paper note on a windshield can easily be thrown away or blow off in the wind. This person wanted to get his message across, so he used windshield paint and left his note on the actual windshield.
Rich Privilege
When people see an expensive car with a bad parking job, it just angers them more. Obviously if you can afford a luxury car you know how to park a car correctly. This person definitely wasn’t having this BMW owner’s rich privilege.
Sketched Meme
This person took the time to sketch out his own meme to leave on a car’s windshield. It’s actually pretty hilarious! We should turn it into a real meme. There’s no doubt it would go viral.
The Diagram
Thank goodness charts and diagrams are so easy to make on the computer. If they weren’t, we wouldn’t have been blessed with this hilarious note.
Sorry, Not Sorry
This note is pretty funny when you think about it. Summed up, it basically says, sorry not sorry for denting your car because of your bad parking job.
The Bold Statement
While some notes include drawings, poems, or song lyrics, this person wanted to get right to the point. Simply stop blocking the pavement and everyone will be happy. Is that so hard?
Snow Day
Nobody enjoys shoveling snow in the cold. This person took the time to shovel out a parking spot for his family that someone else had the audacity to park in. We would be pretty angry too.
Mr. Important
It’s amazing how one person’s simple mistake can really ruin your whole day. This person was so angry that someone parked in his spot and that it made his ice cream melt, he knew he had to leave an angry note.
Please Don’t Break In
This person’s window was broken, so to deter thieves they simply let them know that there is nothing worth stealing in the car. We sure hope that it worked.
The Sardine
We were all taught about manners while we were growing up. For some people, they seem to lose that knowledge the older they get. This person just wanted to remind this terrible driver that manners are still necessary.
Lucky Driver
Someone decided to show this bad parking job some mercy. While they threatened to have the car towed, they admitted that they were too tired and were gracious enough to give the person a second chance.