These People Got Creative with Their Cars’ Dents

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Nobody likes when they find a dent in their car. It can be expensive to fix and some people just don’t want to deal with paying that bill. So, they get creative with it and add a little more character to their car. While it may be funny to see what people actually do with their dents, it’s probably more practical, and safer, to just fix your car with new car parts.

Similarly, when faced with the unsightly challenge of dents, Tesla owners have found a unique way to address the issue. While the temptation to infuse a touch of personal flair into the car’s appearance may be alluring, the practicality of maintaining Tesla’s sleek aesthetic often takes precedence. Instead of resorting to unconventional methods, Tesla enthusiasts have a more refined avenue at their disposal: tesla accessories. These purpose-designed enhancements not only restore the car’s pristine look but also allow owners to tailor their vehicles to match their distinct preferences. Whether it’s a replacement panel or a specialized protective accessory, Tesla accessories provide a sophisticated solution to maintaining the car’s elegance without compromising on safety or style.

Moreover, in the realm of car deals, discerning buyers recognize that value extends beyond mere price tags. Just as Tesla enthusiasts seek accessories that complement their car’s design, those in search of the vw california sale prioritize features that align with their lifestyle and aspirations. From spacious interiors to innovative technology, each aspect contributes to the overall allure of the VW California, elevating it beyond a mere vehicle to a symbol of freedom and exploration. Therefore, while the temptation to opt for unconventional methods may arise, the discerning choice lies in selecting a deal that not only meets one’s immediate needs but also enhances the driving experience for years to come.

Adam and Eve

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We all know the famous image of Adam and Eve with leaves covering their private areas. This person thought the same trick would work well with the dent in their car. Unfortunately, it won’t last too long.

Fixing the Booboo

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When we were younger and had a cut, our moms would put a Band-Aid on it to make us feel better. This car owner decided to make his car’s booboo feel better with an entire pack of Band-Aids.

The Artist

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This guy is lucky that he has some pretty fantastic art skills. Rather than keep the ugly dent on the side of his car, he decided to draw a map out of it. We love it!

Dinosaur Danger

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This clever car owner decided to put the Jurassic Park logo over a scrape and dent she got on the side of her car. It looks like she was sideswiped by a large dinosaur with an enormous claw.

The Explanation

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This person got a little too many questions about what he hit to get a dent like that in his car. So, to stop people from thinking he was involved in a hit and run, he made it clear that he hit a deeer, not a person.


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If you watch Family Guy, you’ll know exactly who this character is. It’s Stewie Griffin, the genius baby always plotting evil schemes. We have to admit, it’s pretty clever!

Cat Scratch

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Garfield strikes again with his shenanigans. Rather than get upset about the scratches on the side of his car, he decided to make a pretty hilarious joke about it.

Keeping Score

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How many people have backed into their mailboxes? This guy has done it once already and decided to keep score. The mailbox is winning so far.


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Some injuries are just so bad that they need stitches. This car owner decided to add some colorful stitches to his car.

Chuck Norris

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You don’t mess with Chuck Norris. If you do, this is what may happen to your car. He’ll even stay and add a note letting everyone know that he was the one who dented it.

Going Back to Cartoons

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This guy decided to throw it back to his favorite cartoon character when the back of his car was scratched. We give him an A+ for creativity.

Homemade Headlights

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While we definitely don’t recommend this method of fixing your headlights, it is pretty funny. This guy put clear plastic bottles in front of the bulbs as makeshift lights until he could get them fixed.

The Hulk

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The Hulk may be the most aggressive and strongest superhero around. He’s so strong that he can easily dent your car with his pinky. Take this car for example.

Lost World

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This is genius! When someone ripped off part of this person’s car, they decided to make it look like there was a secret little world inside of it. It’s complete with an astronaut, Mickey Mouse, and other characters.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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This creative artist decided to turn a pretty deep dent into a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. He definitely looks scary enough that nobody will want to run into this car again.

Thor’s Hammer

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This person seemed to really make Thor angry because that hammer is not coming out of that door any time soon. We would like to applaud them for their creativity, but they really should consider getting that door fixed.

Skeleton Hand

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When this car’s side view mirror was ripped off, the owner decided to get a little spooky with its replacement. He took some bolts and screws and made it look like a skeleton hand holding the mirror.

Engineering at Its Best

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One of the rear passenger doors wasn’t staying shut. So, the owner of this car figured out a way to make it stay shut with the seatbelts and bungee cords. The only downfall is that there can only be two people in the car at a time.

Laced Up

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This person got pretty intricate with his rope while trying to make his car stay together. It looks like he would definitely know how to lace up a corset and have no problem at all.

Always Ready to Party

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You should absolutely never drink and drive. However, if you happen to come across an old school Coke bottle, this makeshift door handle will be pretty convenient when you need a bottle opener.

Duct Tape

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Whenever you’re in a bind, duct tape can almost always help you solve your problem. This person may have used it in excess though. Hopefully his car doesn’t fall apart on the highway.

This is Fine

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This car owner is really grasping at straws here. At least they tried to make the “break light” still look like a break light with the red bottle.

My Mistake

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Nobody intentionally damages their car. This person decided to make a Band-Aid out of duct tape and write “oops” to let others know that it was an accident.

The Comic Book

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What if you actually saw sound effects like they do in comic books? This person clearly saw “Pow!” when someone rammed into the side of their car.

That Must’ve Hurt

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This guy proudly shows off his creativity when it comes to the dent in his car. While the idea is simple, it speaks plenty as to what the car must have felt during the accident.

Blend It In

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Not wanting to draw too much attention to the dent in the side of their car, this person created a gray Band-Aid to cover it up. Some people may completely miss the creative dent altogether.

The Wrath of Bruce Lee

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After this person’s window was smashed in, they decided to make a joke about it rather than cry about it. So, they wrote that Bruce Lee was the one who did it. It definitely sounds cooler that way.

Lost Cause

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When it comes to damaging an expensive car, people are sure to be angry. This person tried their best to salvage their dream car, but it doesn’t seem to be holding up too well.

Kung Fu Panda

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This person was not afraid to throw a cartoon character under the bus when it came to his dent. Props to the Panda though.

CD Gas Cap

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Nobody uses CDs anymore because music can now be streamed. So, this person discovered a new use for them. They make great covers to your gas tank.

Door Replacement

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Rather than paying thousands of dollars to get the side of this car replaced, someone decided to take a piece of scrap metal and attach it. It seems to be working so far.


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It’s important to recycle things nowadays if we want to save the planet. This person has the right idea! Reuse your trash for other things, such as fixing your car.


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This may look like a normal car, right? Take a closer look. It is covered in duct tape! It’s a good solution if you don’t want to pay for a fresh paint job.

The Print Out

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After this guy had his headlight taken out, he decided to go home and print out a picture of one. He then taped it to the front of his car. At first, you may not even notice that it’s fake!

The Carpenter

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After this guy’s door was taken right off, he decided to throw it back to the Western days and use some wood and hinges as a door. Unfortunately you’ll have to like having the window open all the time.

Making Room

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After putting a new tire on their car, these people realized that it was just a little too big. So, they made it fit. It kind of looks cool. However, we wouldn’t recommend that you try this.

Throwing Shade

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Some people don’t like the sunglasses that reflect because they can’t tell where people are looking. However, they seem to make great side view mirrors.

Nothing to See Here

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After the side view mirror shattered, this person decided that every mirror is the same. Essentially, they all have the same job. So, he decided to attach a hand mirror to his car rather than get it fixed.

This is Working

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Don’t let anyone tell you that your creativity is useless. This guy’s entire front end was torn off, but that didn’t stop him from fixing it the best way he knew how.


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When it comes to problems with the engine, it may not be the smartest idea to skimp out on the repairs. We aren’t sure what’s going on here, but we can only hope for the best when it comes to this popcorn bowl repair.

The Expensive Repair

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While this is clever, we aren’t sure it’s the most economical decision. iPhones are pretty pricey and they die fairly quickly. This guy might as well get a new mirror.

Cardboard Boxes

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Remember building forts as a child out of cardboard boxes? This adult must have been a pro at it if they can fix their car and even add a spoiler. It looks like he’s ready to race.

Wannabe Pick Up

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This car owner was having some trunk trouble with their sedan. So, they decided to get creative and make it into a bed similar to a pickup truck. Let’s just hope it doesn’t rain any time soon.

Let’s Rethink This

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It sucks when your tire blows out. However, this may be one of the most dangerous alternatives to fixing it. Let’s leave changing tires to the professionals.

Organic Repairs

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After this door handle fell off, the car owner decided to use anything in sight to fix it. Those items just so happened to be duct tape and a stick. If it works, it works!

Flashlight Headlights

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When the headlights on this car went out, this person decided to get a little creative with how they fixed it. Rather than replacing the bulbs, they taped some heavy duty flashlights to the hood of their car. We can’t say it’s a terrible idea.

The Hulk Hits Again

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We have yet another dent attributed to the Hulk and his incredible strength. It looks like people need watch their cars around him.

Stain Proof

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Who knew duct tape could be used for so many different things? You can repair basically anything in your car with duct tape. Bonus points for the seat now being stain resistant.

Witch’s Car

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When the wiper blades fell off, this person decided to attach the head of a broom to the back of his window. Who said that brooms were just for cleaning floors?

Extreme Deer Hunting

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Some people like to sit in trees and wait until they come across a deer while hunting. Others like to take it to the next level and use their car.

Pirate Skills

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Pirates are known for being pretty scrappy. This person decided to embrace their pirate life and add an eye patch to their broken headlight.

The Big Booboo

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Now that is a pretty big booboo if they have to make a Band-Aid out of some cardboard. Unfortunately, it probably won’t heal with just a bandage.

Questionable Repairs

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We aren’t sure how effective this method of repair is for this car. Once again, duct tape makes an appearance, though!

Bumper from Nature

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Tree trunks can withstand a lot, especially being exposed to nature 24/7. So, this person figured it would make for a great bumper on their car.

Bad Idea

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While this is creative, it definitely isn’t the smartest way to fix your car. Just get a new tire!

Secure Your Belongings

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Next time your friend asks you to go shopping, you should definitely take your car instead of theirs. Chances are your shopping bags won’t be there when you get back.


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Glass is fragile and can easily be broken. So, after someone smashed their window, this person decided they were fed up with it and boarded up the window. We’d like to see someone smash this!

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