It isn’t very nice to stereotype people. However, stereotypes do come from some sort of truth. These rich people lived up to their stereotypes and the outcomes are a little appalling.
Snap for Attention
While eating breakfast at a café in Berlin, one man snapped for his waiter to come over without even looking up from his newspaper. When the waiter didn’t appear in a few seconds, he just raised his hand higher and snapped even louder.
Tipped for Nothing
One woman earned a reputation at a hotel and casino due to her obnoxious behavior. Since her husband spends so much at the casino, her hotel room is always comped. If an employee asks for her name, ID, or credit card, she will throw a fit and then tip the employee next to them $100.
Generous Tips
A billionaire in the oil business frequents one restaurant so much that he has earned a reputation for giving out enormous tips when he really enjoys a meal. He will go around to every employee, whether they served him or not, and hand them a crisp $100 bill.
One famous French actor stayed at a hotel that was giving out free appetizers one day. He liked the appetizers so much that he kept requesting more, but got annoyed because cooking them took so long.
Fresh Table
One woman would always come into a specific restaurant and request that the table be reset with a fresh tablecloth because of her “allergies.” She would also always order the salmon but make a ton of modifications.
Servant’s Quarters
While one woman was checking into a hotel, she asked the receptionist if there was a place for her driver to stay. When the receptionist answered that they had regular rooms available, she was appalled that they didn’t have any servant’s quarters or staff housing for him.
Breaking Bottles
A rapper came to a hotel while shooting a music video and decided to take an expensive bottle of wine and just smash it on the floor. However, he refused to pay for it because he didn’t drink it. The bottle cost $200.
Nothing Like Your Own Bed
One rich man loved his bed so much that he would have it transported to wherever he was staying. If there was already a bed in the room he was staying, employees would have to remove it and put it in storage somewhere.
Rich Kid Waste
There is a trend in Stockholm where kids of the rich and famous will pay for an expensive bottle of wine and just have the waiter pour it down the drain. Some restaurants will even let the customers do it themselves.
Security Clearances
One woman called a restaurant to make a reservation but requested that her security team be present to stop people from taking pictures. She wouldn’t give the receptionist her real name, so the staff was curious as to who was coming to the restaurant. Although, when she walked through the door, nobody recognized who she was.
Replacing the TV
One rich hotel guest booked a room for three weeks. A day into the reservation, he calls the front desk and asks for the TV to be removed and replaced with his own because it was better.
Fresh Coffee
One woman would always come to Starbucks 15 minutes after they opened. However, she would request that a new batch of coffee be brewed just for her because she wanted it fresh. So, the staff just decided to wait to brew the coffee for when she came in.
Evian Water
One woman would only drink and bathe with Evian water. So, while staying in a villa in Bali, one of the employees had to fill the bathtub with water from these bottles. Think about all of that plastic being wasted.
Too Rich to Care
While working at a hotel, a receptionist got a call from one of the guests asking for a car to take him. When giving the different prices of the cars, the guest hung up. A few minutes later, he came down to the front desk with a bag of cash and yelled at the receptionist that he had too much money to care about the prices.
Mosquito Trouble
When a group of rich people came to a restaurant by the water in Maine during the summer, they expected the restaurant to take care of the mosquitoes that were flying around. They even said it was a bad restaurant because of this. They also didn’t even leave a tip on a $350 bill.
The Cookie Monster
A very rich woman who had been coming to a resort for many years threw a fit in public because they did not have the kind of cookie she wanted. Her husband patted her on the back and promised that he would go out and get her the cookies that she was craving.
The Complainer
A man who lived in a rather luxurious hotel would always come downstairs to eat in the restaurant for dinner. He would order a steak that would be cooked specifically for him. However, three bites in and he would loudly criticize and complain about the steak.
Nothing Red Allowed
One rich man couldn’t stand the color red. So, whenever he went to hotels he would request that everything red in the room be removed.
Send It Back
A common thing rich people will do is order an expensive bottle of wine, take a sip of it, then send it back. They even know that they are paying for it. The employees don’t mind though, because they get to drink it!
Rich Kids Just Want to Have Fun
One couple brought their six-year-old son to a tapas restaurant to celebrate his birthday. However, he kept complaining that he just wanted his friends, balloons, and some French fries. Eventually, he fell asleep in the booth and the mother was overheard complaining about how hard being a parent was.
Sending Back the Ice
One rich couple sent back their ice waters at a restaurant with specific instructions. They wanted it poured out, ice put at the bottom, filled with water, then drain the water but keep the ice, and refill the glass with water. Why? We have absolutely no idea.
Sounds of Nature
While dining at an outdoor restaurant in Greece, one rich couple asked for the volume to be turned down because it was too loud. They were referring to the insects making noise, not the music.
Wine Tasting
One customer at a restaurant would regularly order an expensive bottle of wine and claim that it was bad or corked. He would make the staff gather around his table and taste the wine so they knew what bad wine tasted like. He would then order another bottle for himself.
Squid Ink Pasta
A woman came into a pasta shop, cut the line, and asked for squid ink pasta. Unfortunately, that shop didn’t make it so they recommended that she go to another grocery store close by. She started screaming about the pasta and how she had gourmet friends coming over for dinner.
String Quartet Requests
One member from a string quartet recalls when a rich man came up to them during an event and requested that they play a pop song that his daughter really enjoys. Unfortunately, they don’t know how to play certain pop songs on their instruments and couldn’t fulfill the request. Of course, he became angry and threw a fit.
Keep It
A generous rich couple tipped 50% of their bill at a fancy restaurant. When signing the check, the man left a $300 Cartier pen with it. When the waiter tried to hand it back to him, he waved him off and told him to keep it.
Extending Hours
A famous football player walked into a restaurant just as they were closing and demanded that they stay open late and cook him and his friends steaks. The restaurant obliged. However, he left a terrible tip even though he and his friends stayed for two hours.
No Tip
A man ordered a sandwich for delivery just a few minutes before the store closed. When the sandwich was delivered, he didn’t like how “unfriendly” the delivery guy was. So, he called the restaurant, asked for his order to be refunded on his credit card (which already included a tip) and paid the delivery guy with exact change in cash with no tip.
Bar Patrons
Four guys walked up to a bar and ordered some of the finest liquor in the world. Instead of going through the normal process of pouring it into a snifter and putting it in a shot glass, they asked the bartender to skip it and just put it in normal glasses. They spent $1,700 on this stuff!
Not Your Job
One rich couple demanded that a custodian at their hotel bring their luggage to their room. They threw a $50 bill at him, which they then laughed at when he bent over to pick it up.
Doggy Accommodations
One hotel guest had her room customized to accommodate her dog. She requested steps be put near the bed so her dog could get up and down. She also requested a fresh piece of turf be put in the room so the dog could go to the bathroom while she was out.
The Tipper
One rich guy was a very happy tipper. No matter what someone at the hotel he stayed at did, he would always tip them at least $20.
The owner of a resort decided to eat at his own restaurant one day. He tried a bite of each of the five appetizers he ordered then asked for five clean knives so he could cut off where he bit from. He then requested that the food be served to the staff so they could taste just how delicious it was.
The Wine Connoisseur
One woman asked for a glass of white wine. When brought to her, she took a sip and sent it back saying that it wasn’t the right wine. The waiter brought her back the same glass, which she accepted and said that it was much better.
Reserved Seating
One couple asked a bar to take two chairs away and put them in back for when they come and want to sit at a full bar. They paid $8,000 for each chair just so they could sit when they wanted.
Hamburger vs. Cheeseburger
One woman ordered a cheeseburger without any cheese at a restaurant. So, she received a hamburger. She then complained that it was different from what she ordered and threw a tantrum calling the waiter names.
New Year’s Eve Nightmare
A couple rented a hotel suite in Germany for New Year’s Eve. However, they didn’t like how it was a couple minutes walk away from the party they were attending in the hotel. So, they asked for a suite closer, but it wasn’t good enough. They eventually ended up keeping their original room.
A Fine Tipper
A rich man paying his bill at a restaurant forgot to leave a tip. As he walked away, he turned around and threw a wad of cash on the table. It amounted to about half of what a waiter would make in a month.
Nothing Goes to Waste
A customer at a sushi restaurant ordered the most expensive roll on the menu, a $400 live urchin roll. However, she ate just one piece and left the rest. The staff was happy to finish it.
No Dogs Allowed
A couple came into a restaurant with their pet poodle, but were angry when the staff said that the dog couldn’t come in because it wasn’t a service animal. So, they requested that a table be set up in the hotel lobby so they could dine with their pet.
Don’t Talk to Me
While sitting and enjoying some drinks at a hotel, the table next to them complimented the wine they were drinking. The guys at the table then yelled at the people who gave the compliment for talking to their wives. Security had to be called because the arguing became very intense.
My Mistake
A very generous rich man had a little too much to drink one night at a bar. When a busboy complimented his watch, he took it off and gave it to him. The next day he came back and asked for the busboy. The busboy knew he had come back for the watch and handed it back to him. The man then handed him a brand new expensive watch saying that it was rude to give someone a used gift.
Expensive Soup
A couple staying at a resort for a few weeks insisted on bringing their staff members and chefs. One night, when ordering soup, they brought two bottles worth $11,000 to be put in the broth. They didn’t even drink it!
Take Some Peasant
A rude, rich man was at a bar trying to impress his friends. He handed a wad of hundreds to the bartender and said, “Take some peasant.” The bartender proceeded to knock the cash out of his hand and happily watched him angrily pick up the $100 bills that were now all over the floor.
While dining at a restaurant for lunch, one of the customers had a heart attack. Paramedics were called and he was checked out and taken to the hospital. One rich woman loudly asks if the paramedics were going to be much longer because they were disrupting her lunch.