When Tattoos Go Horribly Wrong

Celebrity Worship

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:CELEBRITY WORSHIP:tattoofails8.jpg

Let’s hope this woman stays a Drake fan for life. If not, she better marry somebody named Drake ASAP! I can’t judge her though, if I had gotten a tattoo at the height of my celebrity obsession, I might have a tattoo of Jonathan Taylor Thomas on my forehead. At least this lady can cut bangs if her love for Drake fades (because unfortunately the tattoo will not).

Hey I Just Met You

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:CELEBRITY WORSHIP:Screen-Shot-2017-12-26-at-12.15.19-PM.png

These men must really love Carly Rae Jepson to immortalize her hit song on their beautiful man thighs. More than likely they got drunk and lost a bet. But who knows? Maybe the lyrics really speak to them.

Ryan Gosling

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:CELEBRITY WORSHIP:Tat1.jpg

This tattoo is beyond bizarre. It’s like a cartoon portrait of a guy who kind of looks like Ryan Gosling, but this artist put his head on a spider. Pretty creepy; but at least they spelled his name right!

Chris Walken

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:CELEBRITY WORSHIP:Tat9.jpg

Christopher Walken is a phenomenal actor, dancer, and writer – however getting his face tattooed on your arm is kind of weird. When you add the skin tone of Frankenstein’s monster, and a severe case of double pink eye – this tattoo is especially frightening!


Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:CELEBRITY WORSHIP:Untitled.png

This person’s Karl Pilkington tattoo is pretty strange looking – but posting this tattoo got his attention! Hopefully they are best friends now.

Petrifying Portraits

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:PORTRAITS:Tat11.jpg

Celebrities aren’t the only tattoo muses. Many people choose to get portraits of their loved ones’ faces. As you can see…. They usually turn out slightly uncanny. Opt for your kid’s name instead – but you know, spelled correctly!

Dog Tiger?

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:PORTRAITS:T1.jpg

It’s not just human portraits that can take a wrong turn either. Getting your deceased pet’s face poorly tattooed on your body might not be the best way to remember them.

Tiger Band aid

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:PORTRAITS:Tat12.jpg

This tiger probably isn’t somebody’s pet, but somebody loved him enough to have his face permanently marked on their skin. This poor tiger deserved better.

Sock Baby

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:PORTRAITS:tattoofails10.jpeg

I saved the best (worst!) portrait for last. I really hope that the child represented in this tattoo does not look like the actual child. And, is he eating a sock? This one is pretty painful to look at!

Be on Brand

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:BRAND LOGOS REPS:T4.jpg

This tattoo is amazing if your goal is for everyone within a 10-mile radius to know you love Monster energy drinks. Or maybe he’s renting his forehead out for advertising space. Effective!


Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:BRAND LOGOS REPS:T3.jpg

Audis are nice cars, so why on earth wouldn’t you get the name and logo permanently printed on your fingers? Just be sure to trim your nails before showing your sweet new Audi tats off.

I’m Lovin’ It

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:BRAND LOGOS REPS:Screen-Shot-2017-12-26-at-12.14.00-PM.png

Who doesn’t love MacDonald’s?

Favorite Menu

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:BRAND LOGOS REPS:tattoofails3.jpg

These guys really want the world to know how much they love McDonald’s. I’m more of a Burger King person myself; but to each his own! They’re obviously “lovin’ it.”

Never Forget Your Glasses

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:BRAND LOGOS REPS:T9.jpeg

Getting a tattoo like this might not be the smartest idea this man has had. But if you can’t afford Raybans, you probably can’t afford a good tattoo of them either. But fair warning: this tattoo does not protect your eyes against harmful UV rays.


Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:BRAND LOGOS REPS:Tat13.jpg

This person’s dedication to the almost obsolete Blackberry phone is highly admirable. And the “iPhone sucks” script underneath makes the piece extra elegant.

Game of Thornes

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:BRAND LOGOS REPS:T11.jpg

Game of Thrones has become a cultural phenomenon, so it’s no surprise people are getting themes from the show inked on their bodies. There is nothing wrong with representing your favorite TV series, but perhaps getting the catchphrase, “Winter is Coming” across your face is a little much. Talk about dedication!

Food for Thought

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:FOOD:Tat15.jpg

Who doesn’t love chicken wings? They are pretty delicious, but maybe inking them on your back, while clever, might not be the wisest decision.


Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:FOOD:Tat14.jpg

This one is confusing. RIP June Cleaver on the side of a sirloin steak? Maybe there is an inside joke we are missing. I love steak, but not quite enough to permanently mark it on my body! Maybe June Cleaver would’ve been happy with a little cartoon character or something.


Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:FOOD:tattoofails5.jpg

This lovely tattoo is a delicious avocado… but wait…. Is that a skull inside? Who knew avocados could be so edgy! This guy. This guy knew.


Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:FOOD:tattoofails12.jpg

I cannot think of a better way to tell people on the bus you smell bad than to tattoo an onion under your armpit. I hope the other passengers’ eyes don’t start watering!

The Name Game

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:NAME GAME:tattoofails9.jpg

Let’s hope this man is still with Brenda. Let’s hope he at least knows Brenda! Getting your loved one’s name tattooed on you can be romantic… but this might be a little overkill. As long as Brenda loves it! (Brenda, blink twice if you are being held captive!)


Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:NAME GAME:tattoofails6.jpg

This is a creative (and totally not tasteless!) way to honor your new wife when the old one bails over your bad decisions.


Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:NAME GAME:T2.jpg

Nicknames are cute, but having an actual “babby” draw your tattoo is not cute. Oh baby girl, NO!


Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:NAME GAME:tattoofails2.jpg

Where to start with this one?… The whole tattoo is bad, but “Jon Bovi” is so bad, it’s great! I hope Jon Bovi has seen this one.

Guess This Applies To Everyone

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:NAME GAME:Your-name.jpg

This person was so close to playing it safe. Inking “your name” on your arm can encompass any new love interest that comes into your life. But having “your nane” makes it kind of bad (okay, really bad!).

Rest in Peace

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:REST IN PEACE:RIP.jpg

Memorial tattoos can be a beautiful expression to honor somebody you love. I bet Gradad is smiling down from Heaven. Good thing he’s too far away to see the misspelling!


Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:REST IN PEACE:Tat6.jpg

This person NAILED the spelling of Grandpa. They also nailed a very creepy graveyard aesthetic that I bet Grandpa would’ve loved!

Spelling and Grammar Count

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:GENERAL MISSPELLING/GRAMMAR:patients.jpg

In the artist’s defense, “patience” and “patients” sound the same. Maybe they thought this person was a nurse. If not, maybe they should become one! Or invest in a large watch.

Fudge or Judge

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:GENERAL MISSPELLING/GRAMMAR:Screen-Shot-2017-12-26-at-12.12.32-PM.png

I like the saying “Only God Can Judge Me.” But honestly, I like “Only God Can Fudge Me” even more! This one gets a pass.

You’re = You Are

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:GENERAL MISSPELLING/GRAMMAR:Screen-Shot-2017-12-26-at-12.13.06-PM.png

This girl just wants you to live you are life. And that is very nice of her!

5th Grade

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:GENERAL MISSPELLING/GRAMMAR:T6.jpg

When choosing a tattoo artist, it is important to choose somebody with a steady hand, an eye for art, and proof they graduated from 5th grade spelling class. Maybe this lady can pass it off as irony. Because irony is very cool right now!


Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:GENERAL MISSPELLING/GRAMMAR:T7.jpg

This whole piece doesn’t look professionally done, but perhaps if “heart” were spelled right, it wouldn’t be so bad. So close though!

Super Bowel

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:GENERAL MISSPELLING/GRAMMAR:T8.jpg

Not much to say about this one except “Yikes!” Super Bowel sounds like the name of a fiber-rich superhero.


Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:GENERAL MISSPELLING/GRAMMAR:Tat2.jpg

This tattoo is so sweet, but the misspelling makes it a little awkward to look at. At least his heart was in the right place!

Translations Fail

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:GENERAL MISSPELLING/GRAMMAR:Tat4.jpg

Let me repeat again: if you are getting a tattoo in your non-native language, get a second opinion or two. Chicken noodle soup is great when you have a cold; not that great inked on your back.

Guess He Never Will

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:GENERAL MISSPELLING/GRAMMAR:tattoofails1.jpg

“Never don’t give up.” I actually like this one. Good life motto! (Although probably not the recipient’s objective).

This One’s Permanent

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:GENERAL MISSPELLING/GRAMMAR:tattoofails13.jpg

Again with the irony. Tattoos DO last forever, so maybe get your artist to run a quick spell check before firing up his gun.

Miscellaneous Mess-ups

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:Screen-Shot-2017-12-26-at-12.10.23-PM.png

There is nothing wrong with having IBS. But it probably isn’t something the whole world needs (or wants) to know every time you bend over.

He Likes Boob’s

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:Screen-Shot-2017-12-26-at-12.12.01-PM.png

How much do you want to bet that these classy tattoos haven’t worked yet?

Classy Lady

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:Screen-Shot-2017-12-26-at-12.16.05-PM.png

Speaking of classy – there is no better way to let the world know how classy and elegant you are than to get a gigantic tattoo telling them how classy you are. Bonus points for the bling!

They Don’t Fit

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:tattoofails15.png

Puzzle piece tattoos with best friends or lovers are actually a pretty cute idea! But make sure the pieces fit together. These two corner pieces certainly don’t. Hopefully it isn’t foreshadowing the demise of the relationship!

Please Zip It

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:Screen-Shot-2017-12-26-at-12.15.02-PM.png

A good way to ensure your partner loves you for who you are on the inside is to destroy your face with creepy tattoos. I’m sure nobody at the temp agency will judge your face by its cover either!

Check Mate

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:T10.jpg

While we are talking face tattoos, I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s probably best to avoid them. If this guy ever commits a crime, there is no way the witnesses aren’t going to be able to describe the checkerboard-faced man.

Bad Decisions

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:Tat5.jpg

This tattoo is done pretty well. And you can’t sue this guy for false advertising!

The Infamous Dress

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:Tat8.jpg

You have to be careful with trendy tattoos. This ink was probably hilarious three years ago. Now it is just confusing. Maybe stick to something classic!

When You Go Cheap

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:Tat7.jpeg

This tattoo idea is really cute! Too bad the artist never learned to…. art? Do your research people. Don’t cheap out on a tattoo! And don’t let your tipsy friends practice on you either. Rookie mistake!

He’s Got Swag

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:Tat10.jpg

I’m sure you could totally tell this guy had swag before the tattoo, but now you can REALLY tell. The fake necklace reinforces his “whiteboy swag.” Lock up your daughters!

Don’t Forget

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:tattoofails4.jpg

This embarrassment could have easily been avoided had the artist and the patron realized that each hand has five fingers. Oops! Maybe next time.

Human Shirt

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:tattoofails14.jpg

Well now this is just handy! How else are you supposed to know how to wash your boyfriend? I, for one, would have thrown him in the dryer and shrank him! Thank goodness I had instructions.

No Ragrets! (Or Regerts!)

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:REGRETable:T5.jpg

There are plenty of people who regret their tattoos; but is there anything more regrettable than a tattoo that says “regret”… but spelled wrong? I thought this one said “Rugrats” at a first glance. That might be better than RAGRETS.

Another One

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:REGRETable:tattoofails11.jpg

There isn’t too much to point out here. Just another misspelling of “regrets,” which is the ultimate tattoo irony! Maybe it can be covered up with a nice black square – or maybe this person can move somewhere cold so a jacket (or tattoo invisibility cloak!) is a necessity.

Last One We Swear

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:REGRETable:Tat3.jpg

Yay! This artist NAILED the spelling of “Regret” (which is apparently be harder than it seems!). Since this person obviously was unsure of the Chinese spelling of yet again, one of the most ironic tattoos to get – they played it safe with this brilliant idea. You can’t spell a word wrong in Chinese if you spell it in English and just throw (in Chinese) at the bottom. Well played!

Be Sure To Get The Sides Too

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DTF:DTF Epic Tattoo Fails:NOT USED:MISC. BAD TATS:tattoofails7.jpg

Honestly, I don’t even think this one is bad. Or maybe it’s so bad that it’s good! Can’t deny that it’s clever. And unless this man is four feet tall, nobody will be seeing it anyway. I approve!

Tattoos are a great way to express yourself with art. But before you run out to get a tattoo, scroll through these again and think twice!


  • Todd Sumamno

    Todd is a seasoned writer and journalist with a passion for exploring the intersection of technology and design. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he has established himself as a trusted voice in the tech and design communities. Todd's writing career began in the early 2000s, when he started contributing to various online publications and blogs. He quickly gained a reputation for his ability to break down complex technical concepts into engaging and accessible language, making him a go-to writer for tech companies and startups looking to communicate their ideas to a wider audience. In recent years, Todd has focused on writing about the latest trends and innovations in the tech and design spaces. He has covered everything from artificial intelligence and machine learning to user experience (UX) design and human-computer interaction. His writing has appeared in a range of publications, including major tech websites, design magazines, and industry-specific journals. Todd's writing style is characterized by his ability to balance technical accuracy with engaging storytelling. He is known for his ability to distill complex ideas into clear and concise language, making him a favorite among readers who are looking for in-depth analysis and insight into the latest tech and design trends. When he's not writing, Todd can be found attending industry conferences and events, where he stays up-to-date on the latest developments in the tech and design worlds. He is also an avid user of new technologies and loves to experiment with new tools and platforms. Overall, Todd is a highly respected and experienced writer who is dedicated to helping readers understand the latest trends and innovations in the tech and design spaces. His writing is informative, engaging, and always insightful, making him a valuable resource for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve in these rapidly evolving fields.

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