Bold Move
Just bring the list with you. You won’t come home to an angry wife if you do.
PETA Challenged
Someone decided to challenge PETA after they put up a sign about not eating animals.
The Training Has Paid Off
Now is your time to binge eat chocolate and throw out all of that Romaine lettuce.
Ass Fudge
The chances of someone buying this are very slim.
The Decision
To eat the leftover Taco Bell or not to eat the leftover Taco Bell, that is the question.
Wifi Password
Wifi seems to control our lives now. We are always asking for the password, no matter where we go.
Day Ight
Well it’s no Dunkin Donuts, but they’re still donuts.
Suggested Serving Size
Be honest, the suggested serving size doesn’t actually satisfy your hunger.
Test Run
Maybe it’s best that this man doesn’t drive his boat anywhere.
Just Watch
Jinxing the universe is definitely a thing. When you say this, things will definitely get worse.
Empty Carb Pasta
All Italians out there know how bad pasta is for you, but that doesn’t stop them from eating it as a course at dinner.
What Are You Up To?
Kids aren’t just naturally nice. They’re definitely up to something.
Losing Things
Men always seem to lose things. It’s usually their wives that find them though.
Girl of Your Dreams
At least you get to look at her all the time.
Texting Women
Men and women ride different wave lengths.
Mom Hobbies
Nobody ever said moms can’t have hobbies, but these just seem to be the most popular.
Don’t Destroy the Earth
It’s true. If Earth was destroyed, where would we get our tacos?
We Need to Talk
It has a whole different meaning when you’re married.
House Under Attack
Dogs go nuts when they hear the doorbell. They probably think the house is under attack and they have to go into military mode to save their family.
Mini Cupcakes
Just because it’s smaller doesn’t mean people are just going to eat one of them.
The Cake Mishap
Sometimes you just need to treat yourself to a personal ice cream cake.
Nervous Moments
He gets nervous because he knows she will always find it.
When It Clicks
Not everyone is on the same wavelength. Sometimes you have to wait for your friend to get a joke, but then you just get to laugh about it all over again.
Over It
You can’t really make this face if they said it in front of you. Good thing it’s over text.
Hosed Down
I will give $5 to anyone who can successfully fill up their tank with this hose.
Man Problems
Only men will understand this problem.
Mirrors Don’t Lie
To be fair, the lighting is never good and you have a ratchet cape on.
Unique Stripper
I think everyone would pay to see that.
Rhetorical or Not?
It looks like he’s trying to share his favorite venison recipes.
Bathroom Hideout
Why is she playing with her phone on the ground though? That must be terribly uncomfortable.
School Days
School is a terrible place where kids sit all day long and look at a chalkboard. There is nothing fun about it.
The Start to a Bad Day
Sometimes you can just tell you’re going to have a bad day when your feet touch the floor.
Coffee Please
We all know that one person who is extremely grumpy before they have their cup of coffee.
Don’t What the Bird?
That’s definitely not how you feed a bird.
The Mannequin Farted
We can only imagine what he will be like when he grows up.
Life Glue
Feeling sad? Drink alcohol. Celebrating something good? Drink alcohol. It’s for every occasion really.
I would like this term added to the dictionary, please.
Bad Luck
it seems like bad things always happen to this guy. At least it’s just water!