We come across warning signs almost every day. These signs try to keep us safe and let us know that there is potential danger ahead if we aren’t careful. However, sometimes the wording or design of the sign isn’t the most effective. These are some of the funniest warning signs we’ve seen around town.
Captain Obvious
In case you weren’t sure what a balcony was, it isn’t located on the ground level of a building. So, this sign is warning people not to jump over the barrier or else they can get really hurt. It may seem obvious to some people, but others may need the reminder.
No Oxygen Here
This sign was seen at the local swimming pool. Apparently someone didn’t get the memo that there is no oxygen underwater and got a few gulps of water into their lungs.
Unclear Instructions
Well this may cause some people a lot of confusion when it comes to which side of the bridge they should be on. Unless there’s a road floating on the water, we’re thinking they should stay on the bridge and ignore this sign.
Pants Free Zone
This pool only allows people to wear sandals and they must strip off their pants upon entrance. We can only imagine what prompted this sign to be put up.
Drowning is no joke, especially when it comes to swimming in the ocean. However, this sign was so poorly designed it looks like the person drowning spells out “lol.”
Toilet Water is Dirty
We wish we could have witnessed the situation that prompted this sign to be put up. While washing yourself off with water is definitely something people do, you should avoid using water from a toilet.
Laundry Day
Not many people pay attention to the tags in their clothes telling them how they should be washed. This person decided to look at their son’s t-shirt and saw that the instructions clearly state that the shirt should be removed from the child before putting it in the wash. As if that wasn’t obvious already.
When you’re around bees, you definitely don’t want to be caught with your pants down. If you startle them, that gives them prime property to sting you and that would ruin anyone’s day.
Unsafe Road Conditions
How many lives do you think this sign has saved within the last year? Well, probably not many because it’s pretty obvious not to drive on a flooded road. If you didn’t know, it’s best to avoid them since your car could float away.
That’s Not Right
Here are two symbols that should never be put together. Usually the handicapped symbol is shown for where a ramp or elevator is, not where the stairs are.
Sorry Buddy, Not Here
This warning sign was seen in a bathroom. Although rather than preventing people from doing this, we feel like it encourages them more than anything because of how ridiculous and impossible it is.
Animals First
Life is all about perception and priorities. This zoo’s priority is definitely the animals. Rather than warning people that they could be eaten and killed, this sign warns them that they will make the animals sick if they are eaten.
You Are Not a Fly
It’s very tempting to try and make a Venus fly trap close with your finger. However, it could harm them in the long run. So, this plant shop had to put this sign out reminding people that they are not flies.
Do Not Feed Children to Alligators
Alligators are not animals that should be messed with. They have large, sharp teeth and are quick on the draw. This sign encourages people not to feed their children to the alligators no matter how annoying they can be.
Aim Please
This store asks for the same respect that they show its customers with this sign in the bathroom. Apparently the maintenance staff got a little too fed up with people not being able to aim correctly.
Stick Figure
This is a pretty standard warning sign. That is until you look closely at the strange stick figure they decided to add. That’s his leg, right?
Something’s Fishy Here
Would you be more or less inclined to buy this house if there was a sign stating that it is “not haunted?” We can only hope this realtor is telling the truth.
A Stop sign’s shape is universal around the world, which makes driving international much easier. However, we would love if our stop signs started saying “dur” instead of “stop.”
Campers Beware
How frustrating is it when someone can’t keep up in the left lane but decides to stay there anyway? This sign clearly lets slow drivers know to stay out of the left lane for the sake of other drivers.
Graphic Interpretation
Pedestrians beware! This could be you if you don’t look both ways before crossing the street.
Unofficial Warning
While on a hike through the woods, some people came across this homemade warning sign. It raises two questions. The first, is it legitimate? The second, whose hands are those?
Extreme Punishment
Everyone knows that when you start feeding a stray cat that they’ll keep coming back for more food. This property management company put out this threatening sign warning people not to do that. However, their threat is a little concerning.
Driving in Boston
The “r” sound just doesn’t exist in the New England accent. This road sign was seen while driving through Massachusetts warning people to use their blinker when changing lanes to avoid accidents.
Oh Cell No
Texting and driving is just as bad as drunk driving. There are so many warning signs telling people to get off their phones, but this one is definitely our favorite.
Height Restrictions
This sign warns drivers that there is a height restriction when it comes to the bridge ahead. However, rather than putting an actual measurement, they made an example out of it.
Eat the Burger
We’re sure you know someone who is on a diet right now who would feel a lot of different ways about this sign. At first they’d ignore it and maybe laugh it off, but once they sat down for dinner they’ll probably just order the burger.
Don’t Recycle Peels
Contrary to popular belief, banana peels cannot be recycled. Instead, they can go into the compost to make the soil richer for growing new plants. They definitely don’t belong with the plastics though.
Modern Day Psychopath
Technology has really changed how we live our lives. People used to just sit and enjoy their surroundings when they went to a coffee shop. Now it’s seen as weird when people aren’t on their phones or computers.
No Littering
Well this is a new type of “no littering” sign but we’re sure it’s effective. Would you still feel inclined to throw that wrapper on the ground after seeing this? We definitely aren’t.
Mistakes Were Made
Don’t be afraid to learn from other people’s mistakes. It will save you a lot of headaches throughout your life if you do.
Tongue or Tissue Paper
This was obviously a spelling mistake, but it’s one that we can’t ignore. Obviously this supermarket puts an emphasis on hygiene, but not spelling.
No Pole Dancing
When you see a pole in the middle of the subway car, your first thought is probably something related to dancing on it. However, this city asks its passengers not to go crazy and just stand there holding it like a normal person.
Keep the Octopus Innocent
We’re going to assume that the original meaning of this sign is not to use your flash when taking a photo of the octopus. However, it can be interpreted multiple ways.
Penguin Watch
You don’t see signs like this everywhere. However at Table Mountain National Park, penguins like to hide underneath people’s cars while they go hiking. How terrible would you feel if you ran over a penguin?
Fine or Fined?
This spelling mistake can cause a lot of trouble for this company if someone decides to go to court. It’s amazing how just one letter can change an entire sentence.
Kicked While Down
Not only will you die if you touch the wires, but this company will fine you $200 on top of that. Talk about getting kicked while you’re down.
Empty Dogs
Well, that’s one way to say “Please don’t let your dogs use the bathroom here.” It’s a strange way to say it, but it’s definitely more proper.
Humped Zebra Crossing
We’re at a loss for words when it comes to trying to explain this sign. Have you ever seen a humped zebra before? If so, were they likely to cross the street?
Balancing Act
If someone were to disobey this sign we would definitely be impressed. Unless your Spiderman, this will probably never happen.
That’s Fair
While this warning sign definitely offers fair warning, the way it’s presented is pretty funny. If only there was a fine to go along with it.