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9 Amulets, Which Should be in Every Home

Your home should be under the constant protection of powerful amulets. They will help you to save yourself and your loved ones from the evil eye and spoilage, to draw more creative energy into your home and protect yourself from any evil, to attract luck to win at bet22.


One of the best ways to apply energy to protect your home is to use the appropriate runes. You can also protect your home from problems with simple timely cleaning and getting rid of the trash. Don’t forget about using simple amulets, which we will talk about below.

Red Rowan

Every year you need to pick up a branch of mountain ash. It will not rid your house of negativity and will not give you good luck. But a branch of a rowan tree was considered from ancient times as the strongest amulet against lightning in the house and against fire.

A Horseshoe

If you hang it upwards, the horseshoe will be a strong talisman of luck. If the ends will look down, it will be the strongest talisman against money problems, bad moods, evil people, or bad luck.


A broom is a useful thing, but it should be clean, besides the one that you sweep up the trash with. It will fulfill the role of a talisman. For it to work properly, you need to put it in a corner with a broom upwards. So it will protect your family from the loss of luck, money, and happiness. No one and nothing can take it away from you.

The Dreamcatcher

A dream catcher is an oriental talisman designed to scare away bad luck, bad dreams, and evil spirits. You can always buy it or make it in your own hands. In the second case, its power will be much greater. This is a great talisman and source of universal protection for the whole family. With it, you will not be afraid of any misfortune.

Red Ribbons

Like the dream catcher, the red ribbon came to us from the East. It is one of the most powerful feng shui talismans, a strong talisman, and a good luck charm. A red ribbon should hang in front of the front door. It directs energy flows in the right direction, attracts good, and drives away evil spirits.

Elephant Figurine

This figure is the continuation of feng shui amulets. The elephant is a long-lived animal with incredible strength. You should place it in your bedroom or kitchen. It attracts positive Qi energy and puts powerful protection on the family against trouble and disease.

Laurel Leaf

Previously, we have already introduced you to the unusual properties of the bay leaf. It is a strong talisman for good luck and an excellent amulet. It is believed that it protects the family from the evil eye and a woman – also from a potential rival. With laurel, there will always be mutual understanding in the house.


This is a very powerful amulet stone, which not only can provide protection for the person who carries it outside the house, but also creates a very powerful protective field in the house or apartment.

Silver Spoon

Any home should have a silver spoon because it normalizes energy flows, stabilizing them. Moreover, from ancient times silver was considered the most powerful amulet, driving away aggressive entities, ghosts, and demons. Keep the spoon in a secluded place and don’t move it often from place to place.

