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6 Ways to Market Your Interior Designs on Social Media

Showcasing your portfolio on your website, using email marketing strategies, and relying on word-of-mouth marketing isn’t enough to spread the word about your interior design skills. In a world where people spend most of their time on social media, engaging them on those channels is a no-brainer.


However, many rookies make various social media marketing mistakes, often thinking that sharing a post once in a while is enough to attract new clients. You can’t expect results if you don’t invest time and effort to showcase your work in the best light and build relationships.

Here are the essential steps to marketing your interior designs on social media and growing your business.

Find your target audience.

Not every social channel attracts the same users. For instance, LinkedIn is perfect for showcasing your professional expertise, while Twitter is excellent for sparking conversations.

While you can use both to promote your business, Facebook and Instagram might deliver better results. The former counts more active users than any other platform, while the latter is ideal for interior design as user profiles act as photo albums.

TikTok has also gained massive global momentum, and it’s ideal for raising brand awareness, humanizing your brand, and attracting new clients.

However, it all comes down to your target audience’s preferences. What platforms do they prefer?

Determine your target customers’ demographics (e.g., age, gender, location, occupation, income levels, etc.), interests, desires, and preferences regarding interior design.

Once you create customer personas, discover which platforms they use to find brands in your niche. Understanding them better will help you grab their attention and use the relevant social networks to their maximum potential.

Establish your brand voice and style.

Your brand voice is your distinct personality and a crucial element for consistent communication across channels. Failing to make it unique would blend you in with many interior designers who don’t know how to stand out.

Your tone of voice can be positive, inspiring, uplifting, friendly, conversational, professional, or humorous. It can be anything reflecting your brand image. The key is to determine how you want your audience to perceive you and use it in every post and message.

Your brand style is just as relevant. It includes your color schemes, visuals, tone, and other brand identity elements. It’s everything that sets your designs apart and builds brand familiarity.

Consider how you’ll visually present your brand, and opt for a unique aesthetic that instantly makes people recognize your work.

Whether bright, warm colors are prevalent in your designs or you predominantly work with neutral and earth-like tones, highlight those creations to establish your brand style.

Showcase your 3D renders.

Your work focuses on visual content, so you can’t expect to engage potential clients if you don’t showcase your interior designs.

Assuming you create 3D renders for your clients (as you should), share them on social media.

High-quality 3D renders have the incredible power to immerse viewers, tell unique stories before they unfold, and help clients make informed decisions.

Take the 3D render above, for example. The living room’s minimalist design and neutral colors create a sophisticated look and invite you to enter its relaxing atmosphere. You can’t help but imagine yourself sitting on the sofa, enjoying a book and sipping coffee while warm sun rays kiss your face.

That’s the power of 3D renders. They’ll help you capture people’s attention the same way this one has grabbed yours.

Whether you share 3D renders from your completed projects or those you’ve generated while practicing, you’ll showcase your skills and expertise, opening the door to more lucrative business opportunities.

Schedule your social posts.

You must regularly share your 3D renders, photos, videos, and other content on social media to keep engagement high. Once or twice a month isn’t nearly enough to garner the necessary attention and grow your interior design business.

A social media posting schedule can help you stay organized and have ready-to-go content in advance for every marketing campaign.

A social media management platform will help you create posting schedules, save time, monitor social mentions, discover trends, and uncover insights from analytics reports to optimize campaigns.

Create branded hashtags.

Hashtags don’t need an introduction. Everyone uses them to group conversations about specific topics, draw attention to trends, and make finding content seamless. They’re excellent for promoting any product or service, including interior designs.

You can use them to raise brand awareness, increase engagement, monitor social mentions, and help people connect with you effortlessly.

The key is to use branded hashtags because including only “#InteriorDesign” or “#HomeDesign” wouldn’t make your posts stand out.

Include your company name (e.g., “#EasyRenderDesigns”) and add other hashtags highlighting your style, such as “#EdgyInteriorDesign” or “#VintageInteriors.” Use them consistently across channels to help your audience remember and use them to find your content.

Run social media ads.

The steps above don’t require financial investments, but you have to spend money to make money.

Social media ads will help you extend your reach, hyper-targeting specific people in every customer’s journey stage. You can set various targeting parameters to display each advertisement to a particular demographic group and generate qualified leads ready to convert.

Whether you run photo, video, or carousel ads, use high-quality visuals to compel people to click through.

Social networks feature analytics dashboards showing essential metrics like impressions, views, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), view rate, and cost-per-view (CPV). They help you monitor and optimize ad performance to drive more engagement and generate more leads and conversions.


Marketing your interior designs on social media is pretty straightforward but requires time and effort.

The steps above are the tip of the iceberg, as you have many more opportunities, but they’re an essential starting point. Still, some interior designers focus only on them, managing to build long-term business growth in record time.

Whatever strategies you use, remember to stay active and regularly communicate with your followers to humanize your brand, forge meaningful relationships, attract more clients, and grow your interior design business.

