Man Who Explored Empty Cabin Wishes He Hadn’t

30. The House the Devil Built

Image: Viral Nova

Imagine growing up across a river from an abandoned house that would make Amityville look like a children’s playground. For one man, this home would be a living nightmare, a place where horror films come to life. And we have to say, we agree. However, curiosity began to take hold and the man decided it was time to face his fears and explore the dilapidated (and most likely haunted) home. What would he find there? You’re about to find out…

29. Across the River Lies…Death

Image: Viral Nova

We can’t imagine living next to this terrifying structure. Why this man felt the need to go exploring is outside of our line of thinking. If you have unresolved issues, see a therapist! The only thing that can come from exploring that house is a slow and agonizing death.

28. An Old Pump or Something Sinister?

Image: Viral Nova

One of the first objects the man took notice of was this old water pump. Rusted and showing signs of age, we are definitely suspicious of its origins. Could this lead to an underground lair filled with unthinkable torture devices?

27. This Doesn’t Feel Right

Image: Viral Nova

Nothing about this picture is remotely inviting. However, the man seems determined to confront his fears. Personally, we think this is one fear that should be left unresolved. Seriously, would you EVER go into that house?

26. The Steps to Hell?

Image: Viral Nova

Broken and crumbling from time, these steps were positioned on a hill next to the house. Once a grand path where many traveled, it was now a dilapidated ruin.

25. Spooky Doesn’t Describe It

Image: Viral Nova

This new view of the home is simply spine-tingling. With the dead trees rising up around the broken down structure, it looks like a scene straight from a horror movie. Of course, this didn’t stop the man and his exploration pursuits. We would have already been miles away at this point.

24. A Grim State

Image: Viral Nova

Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that the house and surrounding structures were in a state of complete disarray. Crumbling stone, rotting wood and shattered windows were all that remained of what was once a beautiful property. How many ghosts do you think reside here?

23. What’s Beyond the Window?

Image: Viral Nova

Talk about a menacing window! We’re convinced we see the face of a demonic presence in the shattered glass’s reflection. Can you see it?

22. Don’t Go in the Basement

Image: Viral Nova

Another angle, another reason not to go exploring. While the man is tempted to see what could lie within the ruins, he still keeps his distance and we wholeheartedly approve. There is absolutely NO REASON to go in there.

21. A Chill in the Air

Image: Viral Nova

Now this seems ominous. Between the overcast sky and the menacing looking door, we’re really not feeling this horror-filled excursion. Sadly (for us) the man’s sense of adventure continued to get the best of him. We’re so scared right now we’ve upped our life insurance policy just in case we die from fright.

20. What’s Upstairs?

Image: Viral Nova

The man’s interest in the attic is a little unnerving. He obviously hasn’t seen very many horror movies and this is one attic we really don’t want to explore. Unfortunately, we have a feeling he’s going to go in anyway.

19. Don’t Go In There!

Image: Viral Nova

The darkness behind that door must be concealing the forces of evil. Look at how the light simply stops at the doorframe,  and what lies beyond is pitch black. Yeah, no thank you. There is nothing good that can come from going in there.

18. Another Haunted View

Image: Viral Nova

Did this house suffer from some sort of demonic takeover? What triggered the walls and foundation to crumble? So far, the evidence is piling up that this home rests on a gateway to hell. Where is Buffy when you need her?

17. Another Dilapidated Building

Image: Viral Nova

While exploring the property, the man discovered a second structure next to the main house. What seemed to be a small cottage, he wondered if it could have been living quarters for those working at the property. All we know is we don’t want to be within 100 feet of that ghost-filled shack.

16. Lost to Time

Image: Viral Nova

The cottage has obviously seen better days with the roof looking like a demonic force has smashed it in. What did this small structure used to be? Lost to time, we may never know. Honestly, we’re happy NOT knowing because the truth is probably too terrifying to handle.

15. A Dark Past?

Image: Viral Nova

The man found many items left on the property. This wheel barrow being one of them. Is this what the owners used to dispose of their victims’ bodies?

14. The Root of Destruction

Image: Viral Nova

The inside of the cottage certainly isn’t doing it any favors. The caved in roof and missing windows have left the haunted structure a former shell of what it once was. Where did the people go who lived there?

13. Oranges from Satan!

Image: Viral Nova

As the man continued to photograph his dance with the devil, he stumbled upon an old Sunkist Oranges sign. It seems ghosts really enjoy their vitamin C. Did the people who used to dwell in this cryptic abode have a fetish for citrus? We’ve heard oranges are the number one fruit of choice for serial killers!

12. What Could This Be?

Image: Viral Nova

Rusted. Rotted. Disgusting. We don’t understand why the man wants to get up close and personal with this wheel, but we think it used to be spun by the spawn of Satan! Just back away slowly…okay?

11. A Hellish Hook

Image: Viral Nova

As the man continued to stare potential death in the face, he stumbled upon this ornate iron decoration outside of the home. Does this strike fear into your heart? Personally, the only thing we find scary about this is the high risk for tetanus.

10. Did Something Horrible Happen Here?

Image: Viral Nova

This work bench fills the air with a touch of menace. Did the owners plot out their murders here? It seems like the inhabitants left in a hurry, leaving the home to fall into a state of disrepair. Did the demons drive them out?

9. Let There Be Light

Image: Viral Nova

This lighting fixture looks like it’s just waiting for someone to walk under it, so they can become impaled on the jagged light bulb holders. Creepy to say the least, the lights themselves look like ghosts don’t you think?

8. The Devil’s Inferno

Image: Viral Nova

Imagine how long it took to cook on this old stove. Is this where the owners burned the evidence of their dirty deeds? Something is certainly “off” about this room in general. It’s time this man wraps up his “face your fears” journey and gets the heck out of dodge!

7. Ghostly Art

Image: Viral Nova

This artwork is simply haunting. Could it be a painting from when the house used to be at its prime? The artwork certainly offers up an inside look into whoever used to live here. Although, if we stare at it long enough we begin to feel dizzy. Could supernatural forces be at work here?

6. This Fridge is Scary

Image: Viral Nova

One of the most interesting discoveries was this old fridge. It certainly gives us some perspective of how long this home has been abandoned. We wonder if there are leftover body parts in there? Actually, scratch that. We don’t want to know.

5. Toilet or Gateway to Another Dimension?

Image: Viral Nova

When you’re visiting a haunted house is a TOILET really the most interesting object of interest? Maybe the man thought he saw a ghost? Honestly, there’s not enough Lysol on the planet to make that commode worthy to sit on again. Gross!

4. Why Did the Inhabitants Leave?

Image: Viral Nova

It seems whoever lived here left in quite a hurry. While these items certainly don’t give off a ghostly vibe, we’re definitely questioning this person’s taste when it comes to dinnerware.

3. Could This Be Blood?

Image: Viral Nova

Old coffee or blood? We’re going with blood! How could this guy snap a photo of something so horrific and then continue to explore? This coffee cup and its dried bloodbath would have us running for the hills with soiled pantaloons!

2. Ghosts of the Past

Image: Viral Nova

These relics left behind by the previous inhabitants certainly won’t put your mind at ease. Gum Turpentine? Sounds like the perfect ingredient for poisoning the locals. We suggest packing up the camera and escaping while you still can.

1. Escaped from Harm

Image: Viral Nova

As the man took one final look at the haunted house on the hill, he left behind the fear and uncertainty of the unknown. He had escaped the home that tortured him for all of those years completely unscathed. Unfortunately, we’re now traumatized and will most likely need a few years of therapy thanks to this experience.

  • jessica

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