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How to Use Customer Testimonials on Your WordPress site for the Most Success


A testimonial is a statement made by a third party, often one of your existing or enthusiastic consumers who has utilized your products or services. It informs your potential customers about the quality of your product, service type, specialty, and many other factors. So that you may simply persuade your potential customers that you are deserving of their confidence.


Customer testimonials may take numerous forms because they’re simple to gather and most relatable to your target audience. Having a web page dedicated to testimonial video editing is a terrific method to gain visitors’ confidence.

This is because they are, first and foremost, proof that you have a viable business and a loyal consumer base. It also emphasizes that it is not a type of internet swindle. Furthermore, rather than hearing from corporate representatives, they prefer to hear from genuine customers. As a result, these testimonials will act as referrals, persuading your visitors that they can trust your business implicitly.

Types of Testimonials

Customer testimonials come in a variety of formats and can be added to your WordPress site through a variety of plugins, but the following are the most common:

  • Quotes
  • Peer Reviews
  • Personal Reviews
  • Influencer Testimonials
  • Interviews
  • References
  • Videos


Turning Testimonials Into Sucess

While there are several ways to include client testimonials into your marketing strategy and WordPress care plans, there are a few straightforward approaches that will have you winning over new consumers in no time. Let’s look at how you can use testimonials now that we’ve discussed their purpose.

Add Them To Your Homepage

This is undoubtedly one of the most popular sites where testimonials are shown. Why? Because 86% of visitors to a company’s site want to learn more about the product or service. So, why not start with the aspects of your product that your current consumers appreciate the most? This is a simple yet powerful technique to encourage people to continue browsing your site and, eventually, your product or service.

Make a Testimonials Page for Your Customers

While displaying a few client testimonials on your homepage might help to pique people’s curiosity, some individuals may want to learn more about what consumers appreciate about your product or service. Having a dedicated page on your website, on the other hand, is a simple method to allow future buyers to receive feedback on your product from current customers.

Link Them To Social Media

The possibilities are unlimited when it comes to leveraging client testimonials through social media. Testimonials are often brief quotes that are ideal for publishing on social media sites. Engage with your consumers when you hear great comments from them directly on social media, and use this as an opportunity to direct future customers to your testimonial page.

You can also use social media reviews to write a lengthier post on your testimonial page showcasing them. This helps you to contact your target demographic swiftly and stimulates interaction with your business. It’s a basic snowball effect that leads to uncomplicated brand exposure.

Create A Case Studies Page

Case studies are more extensive reports of how a company assisted a client, usually containing testimonials and other details about the customer’s change along their journey. They do, however, provide you with a great opportunity to sell the reader on what life is like before and after your product.

Use Testimonials in Other Content on Your Website

While some may argue that you should only include testimonials in content aimed at customers farther down the sales funnel, I disagree. Sure, testimonials aid potential buyers in making a final selection between items they’re considering, but what about the first decision to consider a product?

Make testimonials a part of your other content and material. Using testimonials in this material, whether in blogs or shareable video content, allows you to reach potential consumers early on and raises curiosity – sometimes enough to persuade them to try your product.

Bottom Line

You may start asking your consumers to help you by writing reviews, serving as case studies, and writing testimonials after you start meeting and surpassing their expectations. Because that’s the ultimate goal of customer service: to help your customers grow to the point where they become brand evangelists to millions of strangers on the internet looking for honest, trustworthy reviews.

