65 Hilariously Embarrassing Moments Of People Who Shared A Little Too Much

Some things are better left unsaid. Everyone has had foot-in-the-mouth moments but these top most of ours. Enjoy these hysterical moments when people shared too much personal information for comfort.

That’s One Way to Handle It

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No one likes long bathroom lines. No one hates them more than this woman. But wait, Hamilton only lasts 2 hours and 45 minutes…

Is It Time to Go Home Yet?

Macintosh HD:Users:mackenziesullivanold:Desktop:Screen Shot 2019-10-03 at 18.14.57.png Kids say the darndest things, after all! This girl unknowingly spilled the beans on her parents. Oops!

The Wisdom of Old Age

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I’ve been wondering my that shirt smelled funny. In case we needed more proof that old people don’t care what people think.

So, which one? Macintosh HD:Users:mackenziesullivanold:Desktop:Screen Shot 2019-10-03 at 18.18.40.png

A freudian slip at its finest. Clearly, this guy’s got a lot to keep up with.

Thanks, Mom.

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The real world is tough. At least we know this mom is preparing her children for reality.

Fair Point

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This woman had her priorities straight. We wish more people were this practical.

She Tipped Well

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We’re trying to imagine how this subject was broached in casual restaurant conversation. If they are engaged, we will be buying the most expensive wedding card because this spells the beginnings of true love.

Professionalism: Defined

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Work can be disheartening. This woe should have been kept to herself.


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The opposite of ED, this guy is super horny because of his meds. We can’t decide if this situation or requiring medication in order to increase libido is worse.

Is This a Job Offer?

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More like a guilt trick. This guy takes the cake as the worst neighbor ever.


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At least this mom knows how to cut loose. Some of us never get this far.

Brutal Honesty

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See? Leave it to the old folks for a straight answer. Right on, grandma.

A Few Days Later…

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We want to think this is funny or cute but honestly we’re repulsed. Please do less…or more. LESS EATING MORE SHOWERING, OKAY?

Enough is Enough

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Oh grandma, we don’t need everything explained in excruciating detail. Leave it under the flannel sheets.

Blend In With Your Surroundings

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At least she got an honest answer. Side note: we have 0% desire to work in healthcare.


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When the pharmacy is 10 feet away from the dairy section, how can you expect to be guarded from such a comment as this? Nowhere is safe.

Side Hustle

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Coworker #1 should totally inquire about investment options in coworker #2’s side gig. They might go big, you never know.

Bad Timing

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Sometimes we forget that while we hope to have control of our bodies at all times, they really control us. Our body clock, for example, can make us unbearably sleepy when traveling through time zones. And this.


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We can’t think of another place this would be even slightly okay. Please, don’t drip.

Motherly Love

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It’s one thing to be proud of your son as he becomes a man. Wow, what a conversation starter!

Hand Me a Donut

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Poor kid, he was probably just trying to make elevator conversation. Kids are hopelessly misunderstood.

The Intern

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If this person isn’t still in college, they need to go back after summer break. Truly, how do people like this earn entrance into the work force?


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Once again, how is this person allowed to walk freely through office hallways? Stay at home, Ashley.

Worst Birthday Ever

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Parents love to embarass their kids. It’s endearing! Except for this parent. No dad. Just no.

Nailed It

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This would be adorable except for the image it conjurs. Please make it stop.

Danger: Severe Strawberry Intolerance

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This woman is leading a sad life. Who doesn’t love strawberries? More importantly, how is it that nearly everyone suffers from a crippling allergy or intolerance these days? We’re want answers.

Inconvenient. Incontinent. Two in the Same.

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This poor senior citizen is probably having a rough day. Still, it was best left unsaid.

I’m Not a Regular Mom

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Fact: kids will rat you out 10/10 times. We have to say, mom seems pretty cool.


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This is palpably awful. I hope this person helped their suffering co-worker.

School is a Safe Space

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Not so much for this kid. Come on, he was asking for it.

Overdoing It

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Caffeine can be healthy. Too much caffeine can wreak havoc on our bodies. If anyon has any questions, reach out to this guy’s coworker.

Damn it, Karen!

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Urinary tract infections can be painful. We hope Karen gets some medical advise soon.

Long time, no see.

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It’s always fun to run into people you haven’t seen in years, except for when this happens. 100% uncalled for.

Does She Even Go Here?

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Slut shaming is bad. Slut shaming yourself by accident is next level. Really, we feel awful for this poor girl.

To Be Frank

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At least it’s a positive move in his life. Maybe one day he will rise above Speedway.


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Clearly, this guy found his calling in life. He earns every quirky professor stereotype ever.

Life Lessons

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At least this teacher wasn’t too politically sensitive for humor, but boy, she’s really teaching it. Someone had to stand up against boys’ obsession with drawing phallic imagery everywhere. Good for her!

Too Close

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Man’s best friend often gets the better of us. This, we agree, is taking it a bit far. Who’s ever heard of a food processer?

Choose Your Guard Carefully

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A lot of valuable lessons can be learned on the job. This is not one. Do not try this at home, you will turn out like a hedgehog.


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We don’t even want to know what this girl was drinking. We just hope she gets a refund and her friend was joking.


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This grandma is admirably self-aware to the point of willing to plan beyond her own death. The test run comment, however, is a bit macabre.

Go Home, Karen.

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Fun for the whole family! We’re guessing this fiesty aunt was never invited on a beach trip again.


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Uber is awesome, except for the fact that you are putting yourlives in to the hands of an absolute stranger. We can only think of a few things worse to hear when you enter your Uber.


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Once again, man’s best friend oversteps. Folks, it’s our job to make sure this never happens.


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This poor godson. At least he has a godmother who cares about his game!

Anyway, who’s in Biology this semester?

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We’re curious how this subject was breached at an orientation. No, nevermind, we’re not.


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This is a lot to unpack. We think this guy’s best bet is to hard pass on a second date.

Acquired Humor

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The elderly are full of hilariously inappropriate humor. This is fabulous, we hope this woman never regains her filter.

Crossing the Line

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Exactly how long does it take until you are ‘there’ in a friendship? We’ll wait.

Stage Freight

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Or at least we hope it was. Seriously, this kid probably needs to see a doctor.


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We wouldn’t blame this woman if she defaulted on her lease. Time to move!

Keep it To Yourself

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Everyone loves a quirk or to which makes you unique. Most of the time, just claiming it is quite enough without proof.

Too Much

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Oh, the ever-natural mother daughter bond. Yeah, this goes far beyond all standards of natural or normal. Thanks for the tip, mom.

The Worst Possible Solution

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Everyone has been stuck high and not-so-dry in the spot at some point without toilet paper. This girl was clearly desperate.


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We cannot fathom why adults insist on sharing such details. Thanks but no thanks.

Had to Be There?

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Nope. We definitely didn’t have to be there. This is disgusting.

Broke, But Never Broken

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Oh boy, I hope he got his money’s worth. This girl couldn’t have kept a straight face.

Look The Part

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This girl was way beyond her retail paygrade with this situation. There’s nothing you can’t accomplish with the right outfit, though!


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College teaches you a lot about yourself. This is something we never wanted to know.

“Not feeling well” would suffice

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Mom, save it. You’re ruining the movie.

Like Fine Wine

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Does the taste only get better with age? This is like refusing deodorant because you enjoy the smell of your ripe body odor. Nice.


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Wouldn’t it be legendary if she was conceived on the Dumbo Ride? Between two countries in Epcot? Too bad mom didn’t specify. Hmmm…

Oh, no.

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If we were this girl, we could never look at dad again. Wow.

Screen Sharing Gone Wrong

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Hopefully her coworkers have a sense of humor. We’re not betting on it.

Hint Hint

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So, this was meant for a husband. How often do you encounter a wife longing for more sex from a husband? Hopefully mom had a sense of humor.

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