Flipping Them The Bird
This neighbor puts off a clear message: tell it to their face. This is probably the most passive aggressive way to flip someone the bird(s)!
Keep It To Yourself
Not only do they politely let this homeowner know that they flashed the entire neighborhood, they signed it.
Special Delivery
This guy nailed it. Who takes a package for a man’s package?
Catch Me If You Can
This approach seems pretty crappy all around. Hopefully he brings poop bags next time around.
Draw It Out
Visual aids are always helpful. “Don’t Care, Don’t Care, Please park between the lines, not on them”…Got it? Great.
Crappy Move
Serious points for creativity. Points repealled for spelling.
We Don’t Get It
Seriously, you’re so close.
An Overreaction
Mike, you’ve taken it a bit far. There’s nothing passive about this aggression.
60 Second Record
Oh boy, this one is gold. Imagine having to live next to this person.
What Are They Doing Up There?
Quite the fashion statement. We’ve all wondered what our upstairs neighbors could possibly be doing.
Big Yikes
We seriously hope that is a typo.
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
Bob had clearly had it. At least he’s given the neighbors a laugh!
Cock a Doodle Don’t
Is this really the “pre-warning”? We can’t wait to see what comes next.
We’re not sure which is better, using their grandson for revenge or that they video where every resident lives? Let us know.
All Of You
Seriously, the whole second floor is hooking up together? Interesting.
Airing Out Dirty Laundry
Let it go, let it go. If you can’t, at least they left their address.
Thanks, Gramps
This guy also had time to whip out a true masterpiece, all in the nude. He really should thank whoever tied up the dryer.
Outside the Box
Can’t wait to see you!
Not So Cute
This person could get free peanut trees thanks to the spoiled neighborhood squirrels. People are so ungrateful these days.
Reverse Psychology
These neighbors are SOL and should seriously invest in ear plugs since they have such a rude, arrogant neighbor.
High On Their Own Supply
Well, there’s no question it was indeed a “weed plant”.
Respect Elders
Not just elders, we don’t recommend homicide and dismemberment or anyone or anything. But no one asked our opinion.
Nature Calls
Toilet Paper can be a huge expense. We hope they got their neighbor’s money’s worth.
Along With The Rotting Pumpkin
Good emotion, poor spelling.
Fresh Lyrics
It’s hard to look at this without hearing this song in our head and it makes us want to die.
Built-In Cardio
Four days is too just too far. Get in your cardio, neighbor! A quick trip will give you 20 more steps for the day, or 40 round trip.
You’re Scaring the Children.
At this point, the whole building will chip in for therapy. Or mandatory eviction.
Seriously, keep the haunt management to weekends.
To be fair, there’s no way you can confirm all of those cigarette butts belong to one person. They’re not even the same brand.
Full Moon
Exhibit A of neighborly passive aggression.
To clarify, he is not a secret admirer. He was sleep deprived.
Thoughtful neighbors look out for each others’ pets.
Dive Right In
When that happens, we hope they get it back.
Come on, man. Quitting is tough for humans let alone cats.
All About That Bass!
Wicked awesome! Good luck to this community of unfortunate souls. We’re jealous!