There are some sights that we see throughout the day that we can’t help but smile at the coincidence of it. From ironic situations to an outfit matching its surroundings, these are some of the best documented coincidences.
Traffic Cones
This guy chose the right outfit for walking down this street. Little did he know that he would blend into the construction zone he was walking through.
Letter Placement
The United Nations is known for trying to keep peace among countries in the world. However, this UN soldier just so happened to be standing in front of a sign stating that the UN was “involved in peace” while wearing a UN helmet.
This newscaster was doing a story about a robber who was on the loose when this photo showed up. It looks like he has a doppelganger walking around out there.
Sweet Coincidence
This may be one of the sweetest coincidences we’ve come across. This piece of chocolate looks just like the back of this bald man’s head. Tasty!
Blending In
These cats will always win hide and seek when they play. Their fur blends in perfectly to their surroundings in their home. We can only wonder if their owner planned that.
Legend has it that there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. This rainbow just leads us to yet another Rainbow.
Lord of the Rings
Not only do these two buss passengers look alike, but they look like Gandolf from Lord of the Rings. We can only hope that they notice each other before they leave.
Cookie Monster
These two friends decided to go to the bar to watch their favorite sports game. Little did they know that the back of their sweatshirts spelled out “Cookie Monster” when they sat next to each other.
Twins Everywhere
Twins aren’t too common, so when someone saw two sets of twins next to each other on the subway, they just had to take a picture. We wonder the four of them could communicate with each other telepathically.
Mario Brothers
What are the chances that two pizza places would open up right next to each other called Mario’s and Luigi’s? It looks like the Mario Brothers just moved into this neighborhood and are still competing.
Swim Away
Hungary is known for having some pretty intense floods during its rainy season. This advertisement was placed perfectly when the water rose so high. It looked like the model was swimming through it.
Moon This Way
Just in case you weren’t sure where the moon was, this sign is pointing right to it. It is always pretty impressive when we can see the moon during the day.
Just Hanging Out
What are the chances that this crane would be so perfectly placed at the same time the moon just so happened to be rising? This picture is absolutely gorgeous, especially with the mountains in the background.
Special Guest Star
This version of Les Miserables has a special guest star in it: Jack Nicholson! We can only imagine what he would bring to an already intense movie.
Baby Food
If you just had a baby, this is the only aisle you’ll need for the next couple of years. Not only will it have your baby food and diapers, but also the wine that you so desperately need to wind down at night.
We hear Taylor Swift’s music on the radio all the time, no matter where we go. Now we really can’t escape her!
We Don’t Fit
The driver of this truck really believed in the company’s name when he tried to fit beneath this bridge. Unfortunately, We Fit doesn’t fit everywhere.
Diabetes This Way
Diabetes is a growing risk in our country with all of the unhealthy food that is available to us. These two billboards contradict each other so badly that it’s funny.
Model Twin
It’s like this guy bought his outfit right off the rack. Actually, he probably did. Why else do we have models showing off a store’s clothing?
Clif Bar
This hiker saw the perfect opportunity to take a picture with his Clif bar. Let’s just hope that he doesn’t try to recreate the image.
While this person was watching a movie on their laptop, they had to wait for it to finish buffering. Well, the buffer wheel was placed just perfectly over this girl’s mouth.
Not a Coincidence
This newspaper just so happens to fold right at the sentence that says, “This is not a coincidence.” Now we can only wonder if it was a coincidence or not.
So Close
This lottery ticket holder must be so upset. He was so close to winning a ton of money, but was off by just one number!
Even though half of the letters on this sign are out, at least people can still tell that it’s a restaurant. Chances are that they’ll let it stay that way until one more letter goes out.
$7.11 at 7-Eleven
This customer should definitely try their chances at playing the lottery. They spent exactly $7.11 while shopping at a 7-Eleven! Those chances are so incredibly slim.
Model Flight Attendant
This flight attendant just so happened to sit down right underneath an ad for her airline while on her way to work. She could even be the model in the photo!
Eat Up
Pandora knows what’s up! While listening to a song titled “Eat That Up, It’s Good for You” an ad for a steak sandwich showed up. Now if that isn’t good marketing, we don’t know what is.
Following Instructions
Can you still get in trouble if you were just doing what the billboard told you to do? Hopefully not or else this would be a big problem for someone.
Heart Disease vs. Burger King
We know that Southern food is fatty and not great for your health. One organization feels so strongly about making people aware of the food they are consuming that they decided to put up this billboard. Unfortunately, it’s right next to a billboard advertising breakfast sandwiches at Burger King.
What Goes Around Comes Around
This girl wanted to embarrass her friend by putting up bunny ears behind her head. Unfortunately, the flash from the camera also gave her bunny ears in the shadows.
Warning Sign
This is a warning sign to the woman in the black coat! The headline on the front of the newspaper says that someone was killed by biting their nails. Hopefully this woman takes notice.
Kiss Likes Ice Cream
Some students are definitely going to be distracted in class today. This boy’s KISS shirt matches up perfectly with the ice cream sticker on the back of his chair.
Drink Up
It looks like the friendly neighborhood vampire has found his favorite place to go to dinner. At least we know he’s being responsible about what he eats.
Ears Up
Nothing makes us happier than seeing this dog in the back window of a car with the license plate “1EARUP.” Do you think they got the license plate because of their dog or vice versa?