Home invasions are some of the scariest things in the world. Just imagine you are relaxing at home, watching TV and then see some people wearing ski masks walk into your house. Isn’t this terrifying? Well, this is exactly what happened to a nine-year-old boy who was waiting for his mom to come home. Luckily, he had someone to defend him from the intruder!
20. Shane Shafer

Shane Share is a brave nine-year-old boy who was left home alone by his mother. Little did the mother know, Shane was going to experience one of the worst experiences in the world!
19. Good Neighborhood

The reason why Shane’s mother felt comfortable to leave him home alone is that her family lives in a good neighborhood where nothing bad ever happens. Not just that, but Shane is a good boy who knows how to take care of himself.
18. Taking Care Of Errands

Truth be told, the mother had a good reason to leave the house because she needed to take care of errands and pick Shane’s younger siblings from school. You will be terrified when you will find out what happened to Shane while he was home alone!
17. Dangling Keys

As Shane was watching TV, he heard a weird noise coming from the front door. A couple of dangling keys caused the noise and Shane thought that it was his mother. Shane was wrong…
16. The Burglar

The person who was trying to open the front door wasn’t Shane’s mother, and it was a burglar instead! Now, this is not an ordinary burglar and the next picture will show you why!
15. Broad Daylight

The reason we are saying this is not an ordinary burglar is that he decided to do a home invasion in broad daylight! This leads us to believe that the burglar knew Shane was home alone and that he watched the house for a long period of time. When he gets in…
14. The Burglar Gets In

Unfortunately, the experienced burglar managed to get into the house without any problems. Shane saw what happened and he got terrified and started running upstairs. Although, who could blame the nine-year-old boy for getting scared in this situation?
13. Going Upstairs

The burglar spotted Shane and started going upstairs to catch him. Shane says that he nearly started crying when he heard that the burglar was coming for him. Luckily, something amazing happened!
12. The Dog Attacks!

The burglar had no idea that Shane had a pit bull named Baby Girl living inside the house. The dog was sitting by Shane’s side and she bit the burglar when he tried to get a hold of Shane. What do you think the burglar did next?
11. He Runs Away!

Baby Girl bit the intruder so hard that he started running away! Shane’s nightmare was coming to an end, and he had Baby Girl to thank for. Can you believe how lucky Shane got? And that’s not all!
10. Shane Is Safe

The pit bull managed to scare the intruder away, but Shane was still terrified. However, the only thing that matters is that he was finally safe and he could call someone for help. When the Police arrived, they couldn’t believe their eyes!
9. Calling The Police

Shane ran straight to his neighbor’s house and told the story of the intruder. Without giving it any second thought, the neighbor called the police. Keep reading to find out what the police officer does when he arrives on the scene.
8. The Police Is Here

As already said, Shane lives in a good neighborhood where things like home invasions never happen. The police officer saw that Shane was scared and reassured him that everything is going to be okay.
7. Security Camera Footage

Fortunately, Shane’s mother installed cameras all around the house so the police started looking at the footage in hopes of finding clues about who the home invader is. To their surprise, this thing happened…
6. License Plate

The police officers were not able to figure out who the invader was because he wore a ski mask and black clothes, but they spotted his car leaving and got his license plate. Do you think they ever managed to find the burglar?
5. Loyal Dog

The one thing we all can take from this story is that dogs are loyal and that they will always defend their owner from danger. Just look at how happy Baby Girl is while being held in Shane’s arms.
4. Comfort

Even though the burglar ran away, Shane was still scared. Luckily, he had Baby Girl to give him comfort and help calm him down. However, this isn’t where our story ends because the police officers were still looking for the criminal.
3. Police Conference

Seeing how home invasions never happen in the neighborhood that Shane lives in, the police decided to hold a press conference and let everyone know that they need to lock their doors and protect their homes.
2. Looking For The Suspect

Sadly, the police officers weren’t able to figure out the identity of the burglar. On the bright side of things, they still have his car license plate number and they will eventually catch him if he ever gets in that car again.
1. Happy Ending

Shane went through a horrifying experience, but he had Baby Girl to protect him. Home invasions usually don’t end with happy endings, but Baby Girl made sure nothing bad happened to Shane.