Love At First Sight: Celebrities Who Fell In Love With Their Animal Costars

These are some of the most unforgettable relationships sparked between actors and their animal costars. Our heart is melting.

Elizabeth Taylor’s Horse

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Taylor starred in National Velvet with her gallant horse, King Charles in 1944. She fell so in love with him that at 11 years old she adopted him into her family off-screen.

Judy Garland and the Most Fun Terrier

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Judy Garland, who played Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz fell so in love with Toto, the terrier, that she wanted to take him home. While she was able to enjoy his company on set, she was not able to make him hers. He lived a normal, happy pup life with his own family.

Will Smith’s German Shepherd

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In the filming of I Am Legend, Will Smith formed a special bond with his German Shepherd costar. The dog, which died due to zombie-induced sickness on film, lived on to enjoy a happy life although not with Will Smith as his own owners loved him too much to let him go.

Robert Redford and Let’s Merge

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The Electric Horseman starred Robert Redford alongside a horse by the name of “Let’s Merge”. In the end, Redford brought the horse home to his own ranch to live out his days with his other horses. What a happy ending!

Jennifer Aniston Saves The Day

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During the filming of Marley & Me, Jennifer Aniston fell so in love with the yellow lab pups that she adopted one of her own of the litter shown on screen. Turns out, we have an alternative (happy) ending to the movie!

Tom Hardy

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Well-known actor, Tom Hardy, adopted the pup named Rocco who starred in the 2014 movie The Drop. Precious!

Kim Novak and Her Twisted Kitty

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It is fitting that a woman as enchanging as Kim Novak would be enthralled with cats. In her book, Bell Book and Candle, she fell for her Siamese feline costar and brought her home to join her family of cats.

James Gunn and Unique Companion

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This costar is certainly one-of-a-kind. Unbeknownst to many, in the film Guardians of the Galazy, the character Rocket is based on a real raccoon. In fact, the raccoon was so loved by the cast that James Gunn adopted him.

Bill Murray and His Elephant

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During the filming of Larger Than Life, Bill murray developed a special bond with the elephant cast for the role. Known for their intelligence, memory, and empathy nearly on a human level, it’s understandable how someone can form a bond with a tamed elephant.

Reese Witherspoon and Moonie

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Though she played a ditzy role in Legally Blonde, Reese Witherspoon developed a strong bond with her canine costar named Moonie. She decided to adopt him when she couldn’t part ways after the end of filming. Moonie lived a comfortable life until passing away in 2016.

Quvenzhane Wallis and her Pup

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The 2014 Annie starred a young actress who has a special spot in her heart for dogs. While she did not end up taking the dog home, she stayed in touch with the dog she formed a strong bond with on set.

Viggo Mortenson In The Stables

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Playing the intrepid ranger in Lord of the Rings and brave rider in Hidalgo, Mortenson bonded so closely with horses on set that he adopted more than one of them. Those are some lucky horses!

Robert Downey Jr. And His Doggos

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A true eccentric, Downey is also an avid animal lover. While filming the comedy Due Date, he fell in love with the Frenchie in the movie. However, he was not able to bring it home as its trainer insisted on keeping him.

Katharine Hepburn With A Leopard

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A well-known character in the acting community during her day, Katharine Hepburn at one point shared the stage with a special leopard. In Bringing Up Baby, she worked with the live leopard many times and developed a friendship.

Chris Evans’ Best Friend

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It turns out Captain America has a soft spot for man’s best friend. During the filming of Gifted, Chris Evans fell in love with his puppy costar and they now live happily ever after in real life!

Matt LeBlanc and A Special Primate

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In the movie Ed, Matt LeBlanc worked alongsize a chimpanzee, or rather, a man in a chimpanzee suit. The man’s wife wouldn’t let LeBlanc adopt him for obvious reasons.

Sophie Turner and House Stark

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Game of Thrones is now popular around the world and we have good news for its fans. Lady, the pet direwolf of Sophie Turner’s character, Sansa Stark, found a much happier ending in real life as she was adopted by her human costar. How sweet!

Michelle Williams and the Greatest Dog

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Though young when she starred in Lassie, Michelle Williams developed quite the bond with costar who played Lassie. Sadly, they were not able to leave the set together to live happily ever after.

Clint Eastwood’s Unexpected Friendship

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In the movie Every Which Way But Loose, Eastwood starred with a charismatic orangutang. While their chemistry was strong, it would have been too difficult for the primate to find home with Eastwood.

Jamie Lee Curtis and Her Special Pooch

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In the movie Beverly Hills Chihuahua, Jamie Lee Curtis starred with a very pampered pooch. The chihuahua still lives with Curtis to this day!

James Cromwell’s Little Piggy

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A world famous actor, James Cromwell is known for his role in the movie Babe. Turns out, they were not able to live out their days together but their special moments will always be adored on screen.

Ethan Hawke’s Wolf

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Starring in many more well-known films, Ethan Hawke found his wolf hybrid pet during the filming of the movie White Fang. We’re jealous!

Uggie The Cutest Dog

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This pup earned accolades of his own for his starring in The Artist. It even won an Oscar, surely it was because he’s just so cute!

Charlton Heston

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The soft side of Charlton Heston came out to shine in the 1972 movie The Call of the Wild. It almost seemed like he get along better with his German Shepherd costar than anyone else. We can relate!

Dennis Quaid’s Faithful Pup

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We see Quaid as a dog owner. In A Dog’s Purpose, we recently saw that in full force. Truly a man’s best friend!

Tom Hanks Favorite Thing Other Than Wilson

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One of the best-known American actors, Tom Hanks starred in a dark comedy called The ‘Burbs a with a big ‘ol slobbering Mastiff. We hope the love was able to continue after the finish of the movie.

Brendan Fraser and His Equine Pal

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A recent film gave Brendan Fraser more than another view on-screen. Fraser ended up taking the horse home to his ranch and they are living happily ever after.

Tiffany Haddish: Cat Lady

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In the movie Keanu, Tiffany played a cat lady on-screen. As it turns out, one of her feline friends got to go home with her. That’s one lucky kitty!

Ewan McGregor and Cosmo

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While starring in Beginners, Ewan McGregor fell in love with Cosmo, his furry costar. Unfortunately, his wife is allergic to dogs so they were forced to part ways after filming.

Ed O’Neill, Dog Lover

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Probably best known for his role in Married…With Children, he also starred in Modern Family as dog lover and bulldog owner. The dog’s trainer noticed them playing for hours in between filming. How precious!

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