These Horrible Things Were Done By Completely Rude People

One unsaid rule about being polite is that some things shouldn’t happen in public. Sometimes, these really rude things people see happening just can’t go amiss and because they are so shocking, they have caught these things on camera by employees, spectators, and, passersby. Here is a list of horrible things that were done by completely rude people.

Throwing Food

Everyone has bad days; it’s a part of life. It’s something we all have to accept. However, you don’t have to take it out on other people. This guy had to have been trying to push the workers buttons. The trash was apparently too far out of his reach for him to get himself off of his chair.

Trashed Home

Becoming a landlord is a great idea. You get a little extra money, and you also get to meet some nice people. However, there are negatives to being a landlord. You meet an occasional grump, and you also meet people who trash the house. In this case, it looks like the landlord met the grumpy messy tenant. They completely trashed the room, and they tried to cover it up with a rug.

Color Testing

Paint can be tricky, because it can come out a completely different color than the color on the label. So, you have to test it out. Normally, you test it out on paper. But this person apparently didn’t want to test the colors on paper. They just wanted to test them out on the floor. We just hope that the paint isn’t permanent.

Backed Up

Having a backed up toilet can be quite an annoyance. No one wants to fix a backed up toilet, or have toilet paper wasted. We’re sure that whoever did this tried to ruin the cleaners day. However, we are just hoping it was an accident.

No Social Media Zone

When it comes to being respectful, it may be expected that taking pictures in a blocked off section to a religious shrine would be on the ‘do not do’ list for most people. Some people don’t appreciate boundaries. We are all for taking beautiful pictures; however, in this example this just isn’t a good time or place.

Stay in Your Lane

The driver of this vehicle clearly doesn’t care about how much space they are taking up, or if they hit other cars. The ladder on the roof rack could easily hit another car. We just hope no one got injured, because of this guy being thoughtless.

Signs Are Up For a Reason

This person decided to ignore all signs and drive right through the wet cement. This guy obviously wanted a short cut, but instead they messed up the cement. We are almost positive that the construction workers are going to be very upset.

Turn Off Your Phone

If it’s cold outside, and this person is just standing right in front of the automatic doors- which keep opening, it’s just going to let out all of the heat. Just because this person is on their phone, doesn’t mean they should ignore their surroundings.

Phone Problem

This person has no respect for others around them. They are in a waiting room, while they are talking on a speaker phone. The main reason why people use the speaker phone is to involve other people around them. But, what this person may not realize is that they are in a public place, and there are strangers around them.

New Pair Of Shoes

Buying a new pair of shoes can be a pain. You have to find a pair you like, then you have to find the right size. But when you find the right pair, you feel good about it. We aren’t sure why someone would do this to a new pair of shoes. We also don’t think customers will buy these, but that’s probably what the person was going for.

Oh the Irony

Graffiti is almost inevitable. It’s everywhere. What makes this worse is that they knew it was a mistake but they did it anyways. The person doing it felt guilty, yet they still did graffiti while they apologized. The person that owns the building still has to clean it up, regardless if the apologized or not.

Apple Sittin

When you’re tired and you just need a break, some people will sit anywhere. They will make anything a seat. This lady decided that she needed to sit in the apple section. People just want their apples; they don’t want to reach around someone.

Just Plain Disrespect

Paying respects to a World War monument is extremely important to some people, especially if they had relatives or loved ones involved. Unfortunately, some people aren’t as emotionally involved, and quite frankly, they can be rude. This person for example, just left their Lipton Iced Tea bottle on a tree. Maybe the person didn’t realize what they were doing was completely disrespectful, but we have a feeling they did.

Messy Tables

People who work at fast food restaurants work hard, and they don’t need people leaving their trash everywhere. Leaving their trash, when more than likely there was a trash can right by the exit- is no excuse to be rude. The worker who had to clean all of that up was probably not very happy. We just hope the people at least left a tip.

Trash Explosion

This is littering. The person that left the trash in the middle of the road was looking to annoy people, because more than likely, this wasn’t an accident. We just hope no one got hurt, because it takes less than two minutes to pick up the trash can. Some people can be so rude.

Left Over Coffee

Once you finish your Starbucks, it’s polite to find a trashcan- or just hold onto it until you find one. This person was impatient and just didn’t want to hold it anymore. Now, the employee has to throw away another person’s trash.

Just Some Aloe vandalism

Plants are beautiful. They brighten up a room. However, for some, vandalizing walls just isn’t enough- this person had to vandalize plants too. We just hope this aloe plant wasn’t in anyone’s garden. This ruins a person’s plant and it’s also quite rude.

Carts in the Water

We would hate to be the person to get the carts out of the water. We aren’t sure if someone just didn’t want to take the carts back to the parking lot, or if they just thought this was funny. Regardless, it’s rude. This is just a waste of carts, and it’s littering. Whoever, did this just doesn’t care.

Gum Chewer

When buying a hat there are a few things you look for including; the color, the design, and that the hat doesn’t have gum on it. Whoever found it wasn’t very appreciative to have somebody else’s chewed gum on their new hat. This is quite a waste of product. Some people just don’t care. We are just glad that somebody noticed it, and it didn’t end up in someone’s hair.

Chained Up

This picture looks harmless, until you look closely and you notice that someone chained their bike up with the person next to them. We just hope they know each other; otherwise this would be an awkward situation. Whoever did this, is just plain rude.

Just a Public Footrest

Some people actually have a fear of feet. So when someone puts their bare feet on a chair, it can freak some people out. Not to mention, that this is also very rude. Putting your feet on a chair, especially if someone needs a chair- it’s just not polite.

Popcorn Food Fight?

Who doesn’t love popcorn? Probably the guy that had to pick up the popcorn.. We just hope that whoever made the mess, it was just an accident. Regardless, it’s still rude- not to pick up after yourself. The person that made the mess should have cleaned up as much as they could. It looks like they had a food fight. We feel sorry for the person that had to pick up the mess.

Rude Cyclist

Nobody likes to park. It’s a hassle trying to find a parking spot. It’s also hard trying to find a spot when people waste them, like this bike. The bike is small enough to park it elsewhere. Nowadays, most places have a bike rack. Wasting a parking spot is just rude.

Shoe Tornado

It looks like a tornado hit the shoe section. We feel sorry for the people that have to clean this up. It’s actually quite easy to pick up a shoe after it falls, or after you try it on. Sales happen, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to be rude.

Be Polite

We wonder how much they charge people for being rude. Usually people handle with rude people in a different way, but this person decided to take it in their own hands and create a sign. We are hoping that this sign will encourage others to be polite. Either way, this store has the right idea when it comes to encouraging nice behavior.

The Lean Back Passenger

When you’re on a plane, there’s nothing worse than when the person sitting in front of you puts their seat back and leans back. That’s what the person in the picture is doing here. He is allowed to lean back; however it’s very annoying. It’s hard to sit on a plane for hours on end, when someone is practically sitting on your lap.

Sandwich Face Stacking

This is not a nice trick. Someone thought this was a funny trick to pull on their kid. We just hope she wasn’t mad when she woke up. They are probably a playful family; however, it still isn’t cool. She will wake up with crumbs in her hair and eyes, and that just isn’t the way to start your morning off right.

Upside Down Fish Bowl

This poor helpless animal had its bowl turned upside down. We are confused as to how the bowl got like this? We just hope that they can safely put the bowl back to where it was. We just don’t understand why someone would do this?

Unclogging the Message

No one likes a clogged drain. In this case it looks like someone finally unclogged the drain, and they decided to teach everyone in the household a lesson- that they need to unclog the hair out of the drain after they shower We just hope that they learn from the message, because this person is very annoyed with the drain clogging.

Don’t Touch My Food

When you’re at work, having your food stolen from the fridge can easily ruin your day. This person was obviously tired of their food getting stolen, so they made this hilarious sign. This person made this sign very clear. If someone brings in their food, they should be the only one that’s allowed to eat it. Makes sense!

Inconvenient Parking

Bad parking is one of the more popular ways that people show their rudeness. This person takes the cake by being inconvenient and possibly dangerous. This person thought it would be a good idea to park their car right on the lane used by paramedics to get to and from the air ambulance. We just hope this person was told to move.

Knee Cushions

When you are trying to find something on the shelf, it can be difficult on your knees to bend down. However, using bread as a knee cushion isn’t right. Using bread as knee cushions is wasteful. No one wants to buy squished bread. We just can’t believe someone would waste bread like that.

Library Cleanliness

Parents strive to give their children the best education they can provide; however, this includes teaching your children about cleanliness. These kids were lucky enough to have access to a library, but they completely trashed it, which is rude and inconsiderate to the librarians.

Inconsiderate Passenger

It’s important to be considerate to other people around you. When you’re on a plane for long hours you’re tired and bored, and no one wants to deal with rude people. This person decided to leave his trash in the middle of the isle. Somebody could trip and fall, because he didn’t want to throw his garbage away. He obviously doesn’t care. Leaving trash in the isle is inconsiderate and rude.

Party (Don’t) Pick Up

Today, Gender reveal parties are all the rage. Finding out the gender of a baby in front of your family and loved ones is exciting. It’s fun to celebrate this exciting time; however, you should always pick up afterwards. These people obviously don’t care. To make things worse, they left confetti all over the ground, which is not biodegradable.

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