TikTok Brief Analytics
Users open TikTok an average of 8 times a day, and overall spend approximately 45 minutes a day online. 83% of account owners posted a video at least once. This fact suggests that the social network is quite active and ready to get involved in content. Videos are viewed over a billion times every day. The videos themselves are usually short, up to 15 seconds. But you can also download longer videos with the rewind function on the page. In general, most Internet users note that they can spend quite a lot of time watching videos without noticing.
Today TikTok is available in 155 countries, and this fact makes the social network quite popular. In addition, TikTok operates and actively develops in the Asian markets under the name Douyin.
Browse around this site for more info about Tiktok promotion.
41% of the TikTok audience is young people aged 16-24. But now a lot of users aged 30+ began to enter the social network. If at the start of TikTok broadcast only entertainment content, then over time, educational videos and even expert blogs began to appear on the network.
TikTok is the leader in downloads in the Web Store and Google Play. It is one of the fastest growing social networks. It is unwise to ignore this site. It is imperative to adapt and promote your product on TikTok from a vantage point.
Features of working with the TikTok platform
Even a young social network has its own pitfalls that can affect communication with your audience.
Exclusively video format
TikTok doesn’t work with photos or large text posts. Here, only the video format is held in high esteem, and you need to prepare for this: think over scenarios, stages of submitting your product, the main advantages together with influencers, tiktokers.
Inability to add anchor links
In theory, only those users whose account is registered in the TikTok Marketplace program can add an anchor link. There is no open access to this program in Ukraine yet. In other cases, you cannot add an anchor link that will be anchored in your video or in the video of an influencer, TikToker.
Total 150 characters of text
This number of symbols is not enough to describe the benefits of your product / service. All benefits must be demonstrated as much as possible through video.
Difficulty predicting results
The user’s video gets into the recommendations feed after the algorithm analyzes many parameters. All videos on TikToker’s profile get a different number of views. One video can be viewed by 13 million users, while the other – only 10 thousand. The audience and subscribers on TikTok significantly affect the number of video views for a particular TikToker. But this is not the main indicator. The main thing is how cool the video will go to the recommendation section.
Subscribers serve as just the core, the starting point for your video to become the leader in terms of the number of views. Initially, the algorithm does not show the video to all of your subscribers. Only those who have previously interacted with your posts will see your content. Your active subscriber base can help promote your videos after publication, but the main traffic will come from the recommendation feed. Other users can see the video in this feed.
Therefore, the results on TikTok are difficult to predict due to a misunderstanding of the reach and number of views that your ad will receive from TikToker.
Difficulty in predicting audience
Your content can get featured in recommendations, get a lot of views, but all of them can be inappropriate for your business.
The emergence of a new channel for promotion often brings with it a misunderstanding of how much you or your business needs it. Many specialists and companies test new tools just because competitors are working there. But first of all, it is important to think about how best to present information about your product in the new channel.