We all know that web design is important. But we are not just talking about how aesthetically pleasing your website is, with bright colors and eye-catching imagery. Let’s take it back to basics and think about navigation. Your website has to be easy to navigate so that your visitors can do what they need to do, whether this is purchasing a product or reading a blog. So, the question to ask yourself is; how easy is it to navigate around my website?
Why is Easy Navigation Important?
Nobody wants to spend more time than they need to on a website. Visitors are coming to your website for something specific. This could be to watch videos or purchase a service. You need to make sure that they get what they want and quickly. No one is going to spend a lot of time figuring out where things are. They expect it to be easy and right in front of them. People want things instantly and this is going to be what your website provides. You need to ensure that you provide an enjoyable user experience.
How Can I Make Navigation Simple?
The good news is, there are ways to make navigation easy without a lot of effort. First of all, during the website design process, do not make things complicated. You do not have to have lots of headlines and pages. Instead, keep it simple and basic. We know that aesthetics is important and you want your website to stand out. But it does not mean you have to overload the user with options. After all, navigation is directly linked with traffic and conversions.
In addition, you want to be descriptive. Allow your navigation to be easy to read and describe exactly what you are going to get. For instance, a classic example of easy, intuitive navigation is the Unibet website. It is simple to navigate to exactly what you want, jsut when you want it. The language is user-friendly and you get right to where you want without having to spend ages searching.
There are several types of navigation you can consider for your website too. For instance, you can have a sidebar. This is popular and you can also have dual sidebars if you have to have a lot of pages. You can also include footers so that everything is easy for visitors. You can consider the hamburger menu too, which is going to expand when you click on it.
If you are providing hyperlinks on your website so that users can navigate around, do not hide them. A lot of people want them to match the design of their website, using the same color of text. However, users will not see them or use them. Instead, put the design to one side and think about functionality. Make the hypertext bold and easy to spot. This is going to help your users navigate around easily. Of course, the design is important. But you need to make sure that your visitors can get to where they want to go. This is going to increase conversions on your website.